thrill through

[θrɪl θru][θril θru:]


  • I felt a thrill go through me as I said his name and I hated it .

    当我说到他的名字时,我感到一阵 颤栗 传遍了我的 全身。我讨厌这样。

  • A thrill went through him .

    感到 一阵 心惊

  • He removes her veil . A thrill of applause bursts through the house .

    他把面纱拿掉。屋里的 立刻 啧啧 赞叹 起来

  • Guangzhou is constructing rail transit cosmically . The north of Subway line No.2 、 aerodrome line of Subway line No.3 、 Subway line No.5 、 Subway line No.6 and the subway line between Guangzhou and Foshan all thrill through the region of limestone .

    广州市正在建设的轨道交通二号线北延段、三号线机场段、五号线、六号线和广佛线等均 穿过石灰岩 分布区域。

  • Their reasons are familiar : validation of their attractiveness emotional connection appreciation ego - not to mention the thrill of a shiny new relationship unburdened by the long slog through the realities of coupledom .

    她们的理由听起来很 耳熟:证明她们的吸引力、情感联系、欣赏、自我&更不用说对一种全新关系的渴望了(这种关系不受婚姻中的长期重压羁绊)。

  • The heroic deeds that thrill humanity through generations were the deeds of little nations fighting for their freedom .

    世世代代人们 津津乐道的英雄事迹乃是小国争取自由的事迹。

  • The sound of the Bell sent a thrill of anticipation through her .

    钟声 顿时 使心中 产生一阵有所期待的 激动

  • The thrill of running through the surf was clear to see as Duncan raced people and dogs across the sand with his tail wagging excitedly .

    Duncan 踏着浪花,在沙滩上同其他人及狗狗赛跑,还兴奋地摇着尾巴,他的 喜悦之情显而易见。

  • The news sent a thrill through him . she shouted summoning all her strength .

    那消息使他 全身 振奋。她使出全身力气喊道。

  • There is a vivid excitement a thrill and fervor which may carry through any crisis of suffering that is the birth-hour of eternal glory and rest .

    他内心 感到激情昂扬、热血沸腾, 经得起 生死关头的痛苦,因为那就是天国的荣耀和永恒的安息诞生时刻。

  • Do you not feel a thrill passing through the air with the notes of the far-away song floating from the other shore ?

    你不觉得有一阵 惊喜和对岸遥远的歌声 天空中一同飘来吗?

  • Some thrill rides will let you feel what it is like to fall through the air : you sit in a car that falls from a tall tower and you scream your way down to a safe landing .

    有些 动感 电影会让你有自天而降的感受:你坐在车中,从一高塔直跌下来,你一路尖叫着落到安全处。

  • I managed to briefly touch her soft hands & the feeling was electric and a shiver of thrill passed through me .

    我设法碰了碰她柔软的双手&犹如触了电一般,一阵 颤栗全身。

  • The touch of his hand sent a thrill through her body .

    他手的触摸 她浑身 一阵 颤抖

  • A thrill of horror ran through my heart as I thought of the awful scenes that I had witnessed at that dreadful spot .

    当我想起在那个恐怖的场所亲眼见到过的可怕情景, 一阵 令人 毛骨悚然的恐惧 掠过我的心头。