thinking part

[ˈθɪŋkɪŋ pɑrt][ˈθiŋkiŋ pɑ:t]


  • Monte finishing medical literature based on the ancient modern and modern Mongolian medical ethics of the main contents of thinking . Part ⅲ analyzes the thinking of Mongolian medical ethics and the role of the main features .

    以蒙医学文献为依据整理了古代,近代和现代蒙医学伦理 思想的主要内容。 部分分析了蒙医学伦理思想的主要特点及作用。

  • If you didn 't know what the Eubiq strip was for you 'd be forgiven for thinking it was part of the furniture and in a sense it is .

    如果不知道Eubiq接线板是做什么用的,你可能会 以为它是家具的 部分,从某种意义上讲,也确实如此。

  • We use the thinking part of our brains to understand the universe and do not believe in supernatural powers or superstitions .

    我们利用大脑具有 思考功能的 部分去认识宇宙,我们不相信超自然的力量或迷信。

  • Investigation and Thinking on Part of the Students'Interest in Physical Training

    对学生体育锻炼兴趣的调查和 思考

  • The brain structure that picks up on threats the amygdala triggers the release of adrenaline faster than the thinking part of the brain the cortex can analyze the threat .

    杏仁核(捕捉威胁的大脑结构)能比大脑皮层(大脑中分析威胁的 思考 部分)更快地触发肾上腺素的释放。

  • By taking the cognitive approach to metaphor this study is subscribed to the view that metaphorical thinking is part of the cognitive processes through which the human mind conceptualizes the world .

    文章从认知的角度来研究隐喻,所以认为隐喻 思维是认知程序的 组成 部分,人类通过这种隐喻思维对世界进行概念化。

  • I am thinking of taking part in a few items at the school sports meeting this autumn .

    我正在 考虑 参加学校举行的秋季运动的几个项目。

  • Novel metaphor here is theoretically defined as similarity-creating metaphor which is created through imagination and abstract thinking on the part of the constructor .

    理论上,新奇隐喻被定义为通过构建者的想象和抽象 思维创造出相似性的隐喻。

  • To propose a solution below to provide direction of thinking . Part ⅲ to improve the rural land transfer mechanism .

    为下文提出对策提供 思考方向。 部分,完善农村土地流转机制的建议。

  • That leveraged buyout was some smart thinking on your part .


  • I think it 's getting better but it may just be wishful thinking on my part .

    我认为事情正朝着一个好的方向发展,但这也许只是我 一厢情愿

  • In the Rational Robot SQA Basic command you need to write the object recognition parameter inside the script which necessitates some additional thinking on your part .

    RationalRobotSQABasic命令中,您需要在脚本中撰写对象识别参数,这需要对您的 部分进行额外的 考虑

  • I don 't know what you wanted me to get out of it but I kept thinking about one part of the movie all week .

    我不知道你想让我从中得到什么,但我一周都在不断地 想着电影中的一

  • And by analyzing the game thinking This part research every link of reasoning which thus reflects its logic more clearly .

    在这 部分又通过分析博弈 思维 活动,对每个环节进行推理研究,从而更能体现逻辑性。

  • As an organic constituent of thinking rhetorical thinking plays an indispensable part in the course of character-building .

    修辞 思维作为思维的有机组成 部分,在汉字造字时发挥了不可或缺的 作用

  • At the same time educating them in a meticulous and deepgoing way on thinking is also part of the work for border prisons to reform the prisoners . According to the different types of prisoners and the stages solving all sorts of thinking problems of prisoners .

    对罪犯进行深入细致的 思想教育 也是边区监所改造犯人的 重要 内容。边区监所根据犯人的不同类型和犯人思想变化的不同阶段进行有针对性的思想教育,解决犯人各种思想问题。

  • The spiritual connotation and developmental characteristic of curriculum enactment is consistent with complexity thinking . Part ⅲ is practice and action : construction of curriculum enactment with complexity .

    其所寓指的精神内涵和所表现出来的发展特征与复杂性 思想是相吻合的。 部分,实践与行动:课程创生的复杂性建构。

  • I think her condition is improving but it may just is wishful thinking on my part .

    我认为她的情况正在改善,但这也许是我 一厢情愿 想法

  • On the Transformation of Thinking on the Part of Scholar Vassals in the Early Han Dynasty and the Initial Shaping of the Spirit of Rhapsodists

    汉初 士人的精神转型与赋家之心的初步形成

  • Standardized Management : Thinking of Cultivating Part - time Graduate Students

    规范化管理:对在职研究生培养的 思考

  • Verbal communication only stimulates the CONSCIOUS part of a woman 's mind – the high-level thinking part of her mind that accepts and blocks input based on logic .

    语言沟通只能影响女人的意识层面&高层次的,在逻辑层面上被大脑的 思考 部分接受或阻隔的内容。

  • She is thinking of taking part in a masquerade party .

    她正在 考虑 参加这个化装舞会。

  • The Thinking about Middle Part of Zhujiang Road Landscape Planning

    珠江路( 中段)景观规划的 思考

  • Mathematics education is a basic education and mathematical thinking is an important part in mathematics education .

    数学教育是一项基础教育,数学 思想是数学教育的重要 内容

  • To cultivate divergent thinking is an important part of cultivating creativity .

    培养发散 思维 能力是培养创造力的重要 环节

  • Based on the discussion of the optimal operation mode of thinking this part comes up with solutions aimed at the four main problems on the lack of tax credit .

    部分在对总体优化 思路探讨的基础上, 主要针对第 部分提出的纳税信用体系缺失的四个主要方面 分别提出优化对策。

  • This part mainly describes the background and significance of the research the review of this subject both home and abroad the research methods and thinking . Part ⅱ: the first chapter .

    主要阐述了本研究的背景和意义,国内外的研究现状,研究的方法和 思路部分:第一章。

  • The way of thinking that that part uses according to the different customer to design system and carried on a description to the design of each mold piece .

    部分按照不同用户使用的 思路来设计系统,并对各个模块的设计进行了描述。

  • The fifth part is a thinking part of the experiencing design of themed hotel .

    第五部分是主题饭店体验设计的 思路 部分

  • If divers think too much or if they get distracted while they 're in the air blood flow to the cerebellum is shifted . It starts flowing here instead : to the thinking part of the cerebral cortex .

    假如选手思考太多,或在空中分心,流向小脑的血液会转向,转而流到这里,大脑皮层的 思想 部分