throw open

[θro ˈopən][θrəu ˈəupən]


  • In the winter throw open the curtains during the day .

    冬天时白天 窗帘 打开

  • A key goal of the talks is to persuade China to throw open its doors to us financial services groups while an official indicated the Beijing leadership might be enticed with the offer of sought-after market economy trade status .

    此次会谈中,美国的关键目标是要说服中国对美国金融服务集团 敞开大门;而一位美国官员暗示,中国领导层可能会对美国给予其渴望的“市场经济”地位感兴趣。

  • Chen Xiao had pretty much given up making her own decisions and so decided to throw open her life to the whims of China 's hundreds of millions of Internet users known in China as netizens .

    CNN报道,中国女孩儿 陈潇决定由 网民来决定自己的生活。

  • Victory for the Reds would leave them just one point behind Arsene Wenger 's side and would throw the race for top four positions wide open .

    红军的胜利将使他们只差阿森纳的1分,争夺前4强 宝座的比赛之门将为他们 打开

  • Study on computer simulation for rock fragmentation and throw after blasting in open pits

    露天台阶爆破岩石破碎与 抛掷的计算机模拟研究

  • Many of these ideas youll throw out too expensive not enough of a target audience but once you start to see the world around you as open market for opportunity youre bound to find a couple of ideas with real potential .

    很多想法有些太昂贵,不足以找到 知音但一旦你开始把身边的这些东西当作一个机会的 开放平台,你就一定能够得到很多真实潜在的灵感。

  • I throw open my windows and from the yard outside came the hot uncommon sounds of bibulous laughter and unsteady steps .


  • Why would they now throw open the doors with gay abandon ?

    他们现在为何要草率地 敞开大门?

  • So are all organisations ready to throw their R & D doors open ?

    那么,是否所有的组织机构都准备好 打开自己的研发 大门了呢?

  • He decided to throw open his own beautiful gardens to the people .

    他决心对 公众 开放他那美丽的花园。

  • Throw open the window so the bird can fly out .


  • His aim is to persuade the country to forgo its contentious nuclear plan & or at least to modify it and throw it open to scrutiny .

    奥巴马的目标在于劝说伊朗放弃核武计划,或者至少也要对既有的 核武计划作出修改并 其至于 国际监督之下进行。

  • These days in a welcome change of attitude governments and companies cannot throw their doors wide open enough .

    这些日子,相关国家的态度发生了可喜的转变,政府和企业 生怕自己的门 得不够大。

  • Do not throw remnants of food on the floor or in the open .

    不要 剩馀的食物 在地上或 户外

  • All this leads me to pose a hypothetical question which I throw open to floor for debate .

    所有这些都让我提出一个假设问题,为此我 开放一个讨论的平台。

  • We need to throw open the doors recognizing that others can find and create their own solutions .

    我们需要 敞开大门,承认其他人也能够寻找和创造自己的答案。

  • A family living opposite to us in a distance of a stone 's throw found all the glass of their car parked in the courtyard was shattered with an open back window having no glass left .

    隔我们 一箭之地的对面一家,院墙外面停放的小轿车,玻璃被震得粉碎, 后窗干脆一点玻璃的痕迹也没留;

  • Study on the Models for Rock Throw and Stack During Bench Blasting or Open - pits

    露天矿台阶爆破岩石 抛掷与堆积模型的研究

  • At the next level I throw open the emergency exit door and they all begin to evacuate out .

    在下面一层楼我 打开了紧急出口,他们开始逃生。

  • King of the coil as long as the children throw a forward on the ground the line group children will have their own open lead the way for the king .

    只要国王 线团儿在地上往前一 ,线团儿就会自己 打开,为国王引路。

  • So long estranged by fate and circumstances they needed something slight and casual to run before and throw open the doors of intercourse so that their real thoughts might be led across the threshold .

    由于命运和环境这多年来将他们相互隔绝,他们就需要些轻松的阔谈来开头,然后 敞开交谈的大门,把他们的真实思想领进门限。

  • One personage whose name has remained unknown announced that at a given hour two overseers who had been won over would throw open the doors of a factory of arms to the people .

    一个没有暴露姓名的人传播消息说,到了一定时候有两个被争取过来的工头,会 一个武器工厂的大门向人民 开放