thermophilic bacteria

[ˌθɚməˈfɪlɪk bækˈtɪriə][ˌθə:məˈfilik bækˈtiəriə]


  • Nowadays Thermus are the hotspots in the researches of thermophilic bacteria and their bacteriophages begin to obtained more attention .

    对栖热菌属的研究是 研究的热点,如今对其噬菌体的研究也日益受到重视。

  • Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Thermophilic Cellulase ; Initial Studies on Isolation of a Thermophilic Cellulose-degrading Bacteria and its Enzymology Characteristics

    嗜热纤维素酶的分子克隆及性质研究一 纤维素分解 的分离及其酶学性质的初探

  • The main biodegradable materials in composting process were researched by simulating the biodegraded process using chemical method . The content of biologically degradable material ( BDM ) and organic matters in the static aerobic composting with 1 % thermophilic bacteria inoculated and small fluxes continuous aeration was determined .

    针对堆肥过程中微生物降解的主要对象&生物可降解物质进行研究,测定了接种1% 高温 、小风量连续通风静态好氧堆肥试验过程中生物可降解物质和有机质含量的变化。

  • The fermentation of thermophilic bacteria


  • In this paper we discuss the fundamental of sample collection analyze the culture medium selection and establish the effective method of isolating moderate thermophilic bacteria from nature .

    在研究的过程中,确定了样品采集原则,培养基选择的基本方法,以及对 菌种分离及 鉴定 初步手段。

  • Eight strains of thermophilic bacteria ( 55 ℃) were selected which have strong fermentation ability to pig manure .

    筛选得到了8株 高温(55℃) 细菌,均具有较强的发酵猪粪能力。

  • A new species of moderately thermophilic bacteria was isolated from the acid drainage of coal mine in south province .


  • Isolation of Thermophilic Sulfate Reducing Bacteria and Study on Its Growth Affecting Factors

    硫酸盐还原 的分离及生长影响因素研究

  • RAPD Analysis of Plasmid DNA among Thermophilic Bacteria Pseudomonas Bacteria and their Fusants


  • Thermophilic bacteria have gained much attention for its unique genetic types and physiological mechanism and its metabolic enzymes have good acid and alkali-resistant heat resistant and harmful substance resistant properties .

    高温 具有独特的基因类型和生理机制, 高温 降解酶具有代谢效率高,耐高温、酸、碱、有毒有害物质等性质,受到广泛关注。

  • Solubilization of Excess Sludge by Inoculating Thermophilic Bacteria

    接种 对剩余污泥的溶解效果研究

  • After Taq DNA polymerase had been isolated and purified from the thermophilic bacteria ( Thermus aquatics ) in aquatic habitat by Randall K. Saiki and his colleagues in 1988 it was widely used in PCR techniques .

    1988年,RandallK.Saiki等1.2w_966从水生栖 (Thermusaquatics)中分离纯化到了taqDNA聚合酶,之后它广泛应用于PCR技术。

  • Ninety-seven antibiotic resistance strains of thermophilic bacteria isolated from compost and mud were examined for the presence of plasmids by agarose-gel electrophoresis .

    从堆肥和污泥中分离到一批抗药性高温细菌,经电泳检查,发现6株 高温 细菌细胞中有质粒存在。

  • How the reagents from different makers affected the test results of thermophilic acidophilic bacteria in a US Krueger Laboratory was investigated .

    研究探索用美国KRUEGER实验室分析检测 耐热 方法,探讨了不同厂家的化学试剂对检测结果的影响。

  • Two strains of spore-forming thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria were isolated from oil field in order to obtain extreme microorganisms .

    为了寻找极端微生物资源,将来自油田环境的微生物作为研究对象,分离得到两株 硫酸盐还原

  • The influence of inoculating thermophilic bacteria on excess sludge solubilization and changes of nutrients in the sludge under microaeration conditions at65 ℃ was investigated .

    研究了在65℃、微曝气条件下接种 对剩余污泥溶解和污泥中各种营养成分变化的影响。

  • Moderate thermophilic bacteria is concurrently autotrophic bacteria able to withstand higher temperatures and has a strong cell wall .

    中等 多为兼性自养菌,能耐受更高的温度、具有坚固的细胞壁结构,具有比中 细菌更优越的生物学特性。

  • Study on the nutritive characteristics of extremely thermophilic bacteria

    极端 细菌营养特征的研究

  • Compared with traditional high strength liquid treating techniques there are a series of advantages in utilizing thermophilic bacteria processing : ( 1 ) more rapid bio-degradation the microorganisms with higher activity and metabolism at high temperature ;

    与传统的处理高浓度废水工艺相比,利用 高温 进行的 处理系统具有一系列优点:(1)具有更快的生物降解速率,高温下微生物具有更高的活性,代谢速度更快;

  • Control Effects of Different Germicides on Thermophilic Acidophilic Bacteria in Apple Juice Concentrate Processing

    不同杀菌剂对苹果汁生产线耐酸 耐热 的杀菌效果研究

  • A Study on Affections of Predeformation to the Cyanidation of Lower Carbon Steel under the Room Temperature Experimental Investigation on Gold Recovery from High-As Concentration Through Bio-Oxidation / Cyanidation with Thermophilic Bacteria

    室温予先形变对低碳钢氰化影响的探讨 对高砷金精矿氧化-氰化提金试验研究

  • This review mainly introduces recent research progress on molecular biology of biodesulfurization and thermophilic desulfurizing bacteria .

    本文主要从生物脱硫分子生物学和 脱硫 细菌两个方面介绍了国内外近年来的研究进展。

  • In previous studies various thermophilic bacteria living in Taiwan 's geothermal environments were isolated and showed radiation resistant .

    摘要台湾地热区中的各种不同 细菌,在先前的研究已被分离出来,而且 有些 具有辐射抗性。

  • Biooxidation of arsenic-containing refractory gold concentrate with moderately thermophilic bacteria for gold recovery

    用中度 氧化预处理含砷难浸金精矿回收金的研究

  • The thermophilic enzyme from thermophilic bacteria has the thermostability and thermophilic characteristic .

    来源于 的嗜热酶具有热稳定性和嗜热性。

  • Thermophilic cellulose decomposing bacteria

    性纤维素分解 细菌

  • Isolation and characterization of moderately thermophilic sulfur & oxidizing bacteria

    中度 硫氧化 细菌的分离及其特性

  • Application and Study Progress of Thermophilic Bacteria in Biochemical Treatment of Wastewater


  • An Enzyme from a Thermophilic Bacteria and the Identification of the Strain

    高温 所产酶的功能分析与菌株分类鉴定