




  • This technique not only creates a clean document but it will thrill your translation team !

    这种技术不仅创建了一个清晰的文档,而且它使翻译小组 兴奋

  • I felt a thrill go through me as I said his name and I hated it .

    当我说到他的名字时,我感到一阵 颤栗 传遍了我的 全身。我讨厌这样。

  • The children will thrill at all their favourite characters .

    孩子们看到所有那些他们最喜爱的人物形象会 兴奋 不已

  • ' It 's a thrill I 'm in no hurry for ' he smiles .

    “我可不想要这种 刺激,”他笑着说。

  • If this isn 't love then why do I thrill ?

    如果这不是爱,为什麽我 颤抖

  • There is no greater thrill than to bluff a man trap him and outfox him .

    虚张声势吓唬别人,让他钻入圈套,用计将他击败,没有比这更 刺激的事情了。

  • There 's no bigger thrill for me than playing on stage .

    没什么 事情能比在舞台上表演更 兴奋的了。

  • Its prime audience lies in the 17 to 24 age group and they want instant thrills and spills .

    它的主要观众的年龄 集中在17岁到24岁之间,而这些人喜欢极速的 惊险 刺激

  • He 's one of those people who gets a thrill from speed .

    他是个能从快速中得到 兴奋的人。

  • It 's a great thrill for a cricket-lover like me to play at the home of cricket .

    对我这样的板球爱好者来说,能够在板球的故乡比赛是一件令人无比 兴奋

  • You love give me such a thrill .

    你的爱令我 激动

  • His speech caused a thrill among the audience .

    他的演说引起了听众的 极大 兴奋

  • A new thrill and a new throb of the same life is being felt .

    我感到同一个生命正在产生新的 震颤,新的搏动。

  • Real picture and sound leads you in horror experience with cliff-hanging and thrill .

    真正的图像和声音的经验引导你恐惧和 兴奋

  • Seeing him on stage live was a real thrill for me .

    看见他在舞台上还活着,我 了一

  • I 'm happy because they will thrill our fans .

    我很高兴,因为他们 愉悦了我们的球迷。

  • I can remember the thrill of not knowing what I would get on Christmas morning

    我还记得 自己不知道圣诞节早晨会得到什么礼物 内心有 多么 激动

  • Oh yes thrill and excitement are in fashion now .

    哦对了,现在流行 刺激的东西。

  • People who adore the thrill of the chase know that prizes like diamonds are worth striving for .

    享受追求过程中的 刺激的人们清楚,奖赏和钻石一样,是值得为之一搏的。

  • That thrill when you realize your horse is starting to understand is what separates competitors from horsemen .

    当你发现你的马开始理解了,它 带来 惊喜是比赛选手和马术骑手的区别。

  • The electric atmosphere both terrified and thrilled him

    极度 紧张的气氛 他既害怕又 兴奋

  • A top reggae singer gave a young fan the thrill of her life when he serenaded her .

    一名当红雷盖乐歌手对着一个年轻的歌迷唱了一首小夜曲,这 感到了前所未有的 激动 兴奋

  • Well I 've got that chance to experience that thrill and I was hooked by it .

    嗯,我有这样的机会来的经验,感到 异常 兴奋,我被它迷住了。

  • He even seemed to get some thrill or satisfaction out of her repulsion for him .

    他好像从她对自己的冷漠中得到了 刺激,或者满足。

  • I get a real thrill when I read a piece of his .

    当我读到他那篇东西时,我真的 感到 激动

  • The thrill wears off after a few years of marriage . You 'll see .

    婚后几年 这种 兴奋 就会逐渐消逝。你等着瞧吧。

  • And the players get as much of a thrill from it as the fans .

    球员从中得到的 快乐 兴奋与球迷是一样的。

  • They both involve : confidence chemistry energy and the thrill of the hunt .

    他们都涉及:信心,化学,能源,和 激动的追捕。

  • It is quite a thrill to see a real movie star in the flesh .

    看见电影明星本人是一件令人十分 兴奋

  • The news sent a thrill of joy to my heart .

    这消息使我感到一阵 喜悦