threshold treatment

[ˈθrɛʃˌold ˈtritmənt][ˈθreʃhəuld ˈtri:tmənt]


  • After making a small change on the current digital cameras where CCD / CMOS image detectors available it 's feasible to take images of pupils of photographers . Then pupils ' position is calculated following threshold treatment and morphological operations .

    对现有照相机结构稍加改进后,可以利用数码相机中现有的CCD/CMOS图像传感器获取拍摄者眼睛的图像,再通过对拍摄者 眼睛的图像进行 处理判断其瞳孔在眼睛中的位置。

  • The clinical significance of the threshold of rootlet in treatment of spastic cerebral palsy by selective peripheral neurotomy

    周围神经选切 治疗痉挛性脑瘫中电刺激 阈值的意义探讨

  • Auditory brainstem response ( ABR ) was used to detect the hearing threshold of each rat in all four groups before and after the 8 weeks injection treatment .

    听性脑干反应(ABR)检测4组大鼠给 前后 听阈

  • The pain threshold value was tested by potassium ion penetration method at the beginning of EA and after treatment of EA for 30 min ( EA group ) . The test was conducted at the same time point in the control group which was without the treatment of EA .

    分别在电针0min和30min( 电针组)和不给于电针的相同时刻(对照组)采用钾离子透入法测定痛 阈值

  • Although the porous silica antireflective ( AR ) coating has high laser damage threshold after heat treatment its transmission is correlated with environment relative humidity due to many Si-OH hydrophilic groups on the coating surface .

    多孔SiO2膜层经热 处理后,具有很高的激光破坏 阈值,但是结构中有许多Si-OH亲水基团,导致光学透过率受环境相对湿度的影响很大。

  • The drug dosage threshold is closely related to efficacy a narrow dose range is difficult to cover all the effective dose of the drug treatment of different diseases which may limit the choice of the optimal dose of clinical prescription and affect the efficacy .

    药物用量 范围的宽与窄,与疗效密切相关,过于狭窄的剂量范围难以涵盖该药物 治疗不同疾病的全部有效剂量,会限制临床处方最佳剂量的选择,影响疗效。

  • Then the reliability method to determine fracture threshold value Δ K th is presented . After the treatment of test data some important results are obtained .

    还建立了断裂 门槛ΔKth值的可靠性测定方法,并对试验数据进行了统计分析 处理,得到了一些具有重要应用价值的结果和数据。

  • Active Queue Algorithm : The P-DRED algorithm the original RED algorithm optimization and dynamic by setting the maximum threshold to distinguish between the different treatment groups priority to ensure high-priority and low packet marking / discard rate in order to ensure the quality of its services .

    主动式队列算法的改进:提出P-DRED算法,对原RED算法进行优化处理,并通过设置动态最大 阈值区分 对待不同优先级的分组,保证高优先级分组的低标记/丢弃率,从而保证其服务质量。

  • To investigate the change of pacing threshold and lead impedance and the service life of lead after long pacing treatment 32 patients were involved .

    研究长期起搏器 治疗后起搏 阈值、电极阻抗的变化及电极使用的寿命。32例病人,在起搏器置入术及更换术时,用起搏器分析仪直接测量心室电极参数。

  • Scientist is on the threshold of a breakthrough in their treatment of that disease

    科学家在 治疗那种疾病方面很 就要取得 突破

  • Results Of 34 cases ( 58 affected ears ) 13 cases were cured and 21 improved and the various linguistic frequency hearing threshold pure hearing values before and after treatment increased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) .

    结果:34例患者(58只病耳)治愈13例,好转21例; 治疗前后各语言频率 听阈纯音 听值均有明显提高,其差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

  • The potential subclinical focus where the CBF was higher than symptom beginning threshold 25ml / ( 100g . min ) and lower than physiological threshold 50ml / ( 100g . min ) could be detected on SPECT providing a super-early evidence for clinical treatment .

    SPECT能检出脑血流高于症状发生阈25ml/(100g.min)而低于生理 阈值50ml/(100g.min)的潜在性缺血病灶,为临床提供超早期 治疗依据。

  • Among them the threshold method using Benchmarking evaluation of each upper and lower limits to build the evaluation function of indicators ' realization degree for non-dimensional treatment .

    其中,采用 基准 法(Benchmarking)确定每个评价指标的上下限值,以构建指标实现程度函数对评价指标作无量纲化 处理

  • The chroma olfactory threshold had been greatly removal and the effect of treatment was obvious well .

    同时废水的色度、嗅 阈值也都得到极大的去除, 处理效果显著,为此类生产废水的 处理及工业化 应用提供了借鉴与依据。

  • A patient 's threshold for accepting that a treatment is worth trying is likely to be lower than the threshold of scientific proof .

    患者接受有尝试价值的 治疗 方法 最低 限度可能会低于科学证据的 阈值

  • We suggest that doses of 700 rad which almost injure all the haemopoietic stem cells may be applied as a threshold dose of bone marrow ( or stem cells from blood and fetal liver ) transplantation for treatment of acute radiation sickness in dogs .

    因而认为700rad是适宜以移植骨髓(或胚胎肝、外周血造血干细胞) 治疗急性放射病的 剂量。

  • Finally compared with the conventional method of threshold segmentation the result of the treatment of actual field pictures shows that this algorithm is more effective for the road recognition .

    与传统的 阈值分割算法的对比 处理试验表明,此识别算法可以明显地改善路径识别效果。

  • The changes of cardiac electrophysiological parameters including ventricular effective refractory period ( VERP ) and ventricular fibrillation threshold ( VFT ) were assessed and compared among heart failure with angiotensin - ( 1-7 ) treatment groups heart failure group and control group .

    用心电生理研究方法测定心室有效不应期(VERP)、心室颤动 阈值(VFT)的变化,比较心力衰竭并血管紧张素-(1-7) 处理的3个剂量组、心力衰竭组及正常对照组各项指标。

  • The threshold was elevated after anti-anxiety treatment ( P 0.05 ) .

    抗焦虑 治疗后感觉 阈值有所增高(P0.05)。

  • Analysis the Influencing Factors of Toxic Substances ' Toxicity Threshold on Biological Wastewater Treatment

    废水生物 处理中有毒物质毒性 阀值影响因素分析

  • Threshold function reflects the different treatment strategies wavelet coefficients the effect of wavelet de-noising has a great influence .

    阈值函数体现了对小波系数的不同 处理策略,对小波去噪的效果有很大影响。

  • Under the above method the collected noise-containing signals will undergo a multi-dimensional wavelet decomposition and characteristics extraction . Thereafter the signals are subject to a soft threshold value de-noising treatment with the pretreated information serving as a training input to the neural network .

    该方法把采集的含噪信号进行多尺度的小波分解、特征提取,之后对信号进行软 阈值去噪 处理,将预处理后的信息作为神经网络的训练输入。

  • The laser active recognition technique used to detect the target are presented which include threshold value treatment technique wave gate control technique and target extraction technique .

    阐述了激光主动探测目标识别可采用的技术,包括 阈值 处理技术、波门控制技术和目标提取技术等。

  • The threshold stress of the alloy melt containing high Fe and Ni can be improved by elevated treatment and Zr Mn alloying treatment .

    当对高Fe、Ni2618合金熔体高温过热 处理以及采用Zr、Mn元素合金化均使 门槛应力 增加。

  • The visual analogue scores pain threshold and tolerance threshold range of motion of cervical vertebra were statistically significant higher than that of before treatment in two groups ( P0.05 ) .

    两组患者 治疗前后自身对比的VAS得分、压痛点的疼痛阈值及耐受 阈值、颈椎六方向的活动度差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。

  • In accordance with the provisions of the previous CD4 cell count dropped to200 before entering the threshold of anti-viral treatment .

    按照此前的规定,CD4细胞数量降到200才进入抗病毒 治疗 门槛

  • Treatment is aimed at HIV-1 RNA number dropped to below detection threshold even before receiving the full treatment of patients .

    治疗目的是将HIV-1RNA数量降至检测 以下,即使是以前接受过充分 治疗的病人。

  • Now medicine is on the threshold of a second renaissance and the discoveries of this period may lead to a revolution in the treatment of everything from heart disease to cancer .

    现在医学又来到第二个复兴的 门槛,这一阶段的种种发现可能带动从心脏病到癌症各种疾病 治疗 方法的革新。