


  • Present study used thioacetamide ( TAA ) to induce cirrhosis in Se-adequate and Se-deficient mice and investigated the changes of liver selenoenzymes and Se status as well as the influence of Se supplementation .

    在我们的研究中,用 硫代 酰胺(TAA)诱导足硒和缺硒小鼠肝硬化,并在这两种模型上研究肝脏中的含硒酶的活力和硒水平的变化,和补硒的影响。

  • Establishment of Liver Fibrosis Model Induced by Thioacetamide and its Diagnosis Discriminant Models of the Serum Indexes

    硫代 酰胺诱导肝纤维化模型及其血清学诊断数学模型的构建

  • METHODS : Endotoxin TNF - α and ALT ( alanine aminotransferase ) levels were determined in plasma of acute hepatic injury rats induced by TAA ( thioacetamide ) the results were compared with that obtained from RSM group .

    方法:用硫代 酰胺(TAA)诱发大鼠急性肝损伤,检测血浆内毒素、TNF-α及丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)水平变化,并与丹参治疗组进行比较。

  • Methods General condition survival time relevant biochemistry indexes and pathological changes of the pigs treated by two peritoneal injections of thioacetamide in the dose of 50mg / kg 100mg / kg and 150mg / kg respectively .

    方法15头猪随机均分为3组,分别采用50、100、150mg/kg的 硫代 酰胺进行2次(间隔24h)腹腔内注射给药,观察动物一般情况、存活时间、相关生化指标及病理改变。

  • Well-dispersed copper acetamide sulfide nanorods were prepared by means of the solid-state reaction of copper acetate and thioacetamide in the presence of surfactant PEG-400 at a low heating temperature .

    在表面活性剂PEG-400存在的条件下,以醋酸铜和 硫代 酰胺为原料,利用低热固相化学反应,一步制备出分散均匀的硫化铜纳米棒。

  • Effect of genistein on the expression of PDGF-BB in hepatic fibrosis of rats induced by thioacetamide

    染料木素对 硫代 酰胺诱导的肝纤维化大鼠PDGF-BB表达的影响

  • Changes of gastrointestinal propulsive motility were measured in rats of experimental fulminant hepatic failure due to thioacetamide .

    应用 硫代 酰胺 复制暴发性肝功能衰竭大鼠模型,测定了大鼠胃肠推进运动的变化,结果:暴发性肝功能衰竭大鼠胃肠推进运动 正常大鼠显著减弱。

  • The serum GPT levels of mice hepatic fibrosis induced by thioacetamide D-galactosamine and tetrachloromathane were lower markedly than those in the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

    肝纤克低剂量和高剂量治疗组 硫代 酰胺、氨基半乳糖、四氯化碳致肝损伤小鼠血清谷丙转氨酶水平明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。

  • Method Thioacetamide ( TAA ) were intraperitoneally injected into Wistar rats once a day . In the pathological process arterio-venous shunts ( A-V shunt ) of gastric wall in the rats were observed by dual dye injection quantitatively .

    方法Wistar大鼠 硫代 酰胺(TAA)腹腔注射每日四次维持,双色素造影法直接观察大鼠病程中胃壁动静脉短路(A- Vshunt)开放情况并作定量计数。

  • Methods Experimental portal hypertensive rat models were established by injecting Thioacetamide intraperitoneally . One hundred and twenty eight rats were divided into normal control group normal therapy group model control group and model therapy group .

    方法128只大鼠均分为正常对照组、正常干预组、 单纯 模组和 模干预组,后2组腹腔注射 硫代 酰胺 制作门脉高压大鼠模型。

  • Thioacetamide used as standard in determination of dissolved sulfide in water

    硫代 酰胺作为标准溶液测定水中硫化物

  • Acute hepatic injury induced by thioacetamide .

    硫代 酰胺 复制急性肝损伤模型。

  • The common methods to prepare for ultrafine ZnS powder were chemically synthesized using thioacetamide ( TAA ) as the source of sulphur . But with this reagent the powder is easy to conglomeration and the raw material is expensive .

    制备ZnS超细粉通常是采用 硫代 酰胺(TAA)作为硫源,用化学合成法制取,但使用该原料在合成过程中易出现团聚现象,且价格昂贵;

  • Objective : To assess the effects of shark hepatic stimulator substance ( sHSS ) on thioacetamide ( TAA ) - induced acute liver injury and liver mitochondrial function in rats .

    目的研究鲨鱼肝刺激物(sHSS)对 硫代 酰胺(TAA)所致大鼠急性肝损伤和肝线粒体功能的影响。

  • A Rat Model of Acuted Liver Injury Induced by Thioacetamide

    硫代 酰胺建立大鼠急性肝损伤模型探讨

  • Under normal temperature cadmium sulphide quantum dots were formed on the carbon nanotubes surface by decomposed the thioacetamide in an alcohol-water solution which contained ethylenediamine and ammonium acetate .

    常温下通过 硫代 酰胺在乙二胺和醋酸铵的水溶液中分解,在碳纳米管表面原位共沉淀生成硫化镉量子点。

  • Metheods : Used thioacetamide induced acute hepatic injury and used carbon tetrachloride induced chronic hepatic injury .

    方法:用 硫代乙酰胺造大鼠急性肝损伤 模型;用四氯化碳造大鼠慢性肝损伤模型。

  • A new noncrystalline ruthenium sulfide was synthesized by homogeneous phase precipitation Ru (ⅳ) with thioacetamide ( CH_3CSNH_2 ) .

    采用 硫代 酰胺(CH3CSNH2)均相沉淀Ru(Ⅳ),人工合成了一种新的钌硫化合物。

  • Establishment of Rat Hepatic Fibrosis Model Induced by Thioacetamide

    硫代 酰胺诱导大鼠肝纤维化模型的

  • Using thioacetamide as precipitator the ZnS / Al composite particle was prepared .

    硫代 酰胺为沉淀剂,制备了 ZnS/Al复合粒子。

  • Methods Eighteen rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups . The first group : 0.4 % dilute suspensions of bletilla striata were intravenously injected to peripheral portal vein with 0.1 % thioacetamide solution substitute for postoperative drinking water .

    方法以3组共18只家兔为模型,第1组开腹经门静脉注入0.4%的白芨混悬液4ml,术后予以0.1%的 硫代 酰胺溶液饮水;

  • Selective impairment of lipopolysaccharide on antioxidant system in rat hepatocarcinogenesis induced by thioacetamide

    脂多糖对化学 癌大鼠抗氧化系统的选择性损害作用

  • Furthermore the Raman and XPS measurement revealed that the Graphite Oxide ( GO ) was reduced because of thioacetamide .

    拉曼光谱和X光电子能谱测试表明氧化石墨已被还原成石墨烯,这是由于 硫代 酰胺 还原 结果

  • Objective : To observe the effect of Danshensu on rat hepatocyte injury induced by Thioacetamide ( TAA ) .

    目的:观察丹参素对大鼠肝细胞 硫代 酰胺(TAA)损伤的影响。

  • Changes of glycosaminoglycans in cerebrum brainstem and cerebellum were measured in rats with hepatic encephalopathy induced by thioacetamide .

    本文 应用 硫代 酰胺 复制 暴发性肝损伤肝性脑病大鼠 模型,检测了实验大鼠大脑、脑干、小脑糖胺多糖含量的变化。

  • CONCLUSION : ① GQK have protective effect on mouse hepatic fibrosis induced by thioacetamide .

    结论:①肝纤克对 硫代乙酰胺致小鼠急性肝损伤有一定的保护作用。

  • Copper monosulfide ( CuS ) nanoparticles were synthesized by sonochemistry from an copper nitrate Cu ( NO3 ) 2 w_1900 and thioacetamide ( TAA ) .

    以硝酸铜Cu(NO3)2w_1913、 硫代 酰胺(TAA)为原料,用超声波化学法制备了硫化铜纳米粒子。