


  • Establishment of hepatocellular carcinoma xenograft model in cirrhotic liver of rats

    肝硬化大鼠肝癌细胞原位 种植 模型的建立

  • Comparative Study of Anti-infective Reconstituted Bone Xenograft with Autogenous Hone in Patients with Bone Non-union

    抗感染活性骨与 自体骨在骨不连治疗中的对比研究

  • Objective Explore the safety of the reconstituted bone xenograft ( RBX ) in the clinical application .

    目的探讨重组合 异种 在临床应用中的安全性。

  • Rosiglitazone and carboplatin in combination inhibited tumour growth in xenograft models using A549 NSCLC cells and ES2 ovarian cancer cells without significant toxicity .

    用A549NSCLC细胞和ES2卵巢癌细胞建立 异体 移植模型,罗格列酮和卡铂共同抑制肿瘤的生长并且没有明显的副作用。

  • The Hopkins group is conducting a clinical trial of the xenograft model in40 patients undergoing surgery at Johns Hopkins for non-metastatic pancreas cancer .

    霍普金斯研究小组在霍普金斯医院就诊的40名非转移性胰腺癌病人身上进行了 异种 移植 小鼠模型的临床试验。

  • Inhibitory effect of down-regulation of focal adhesion kinase on human colon carcinoma subcutaneous xenograft in nude mice

    黏着斑激酶表达下调对人结肠癌裸鼠皮下 移植 的抑制作用

  • Cortical xenograft combined with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein / basic fibroblast growth factor for repairing large bone defects

    异种 管状皮质骨复合人重组骨形态发生蛋白与碱性成纤维细胞生长因子修复大段骨缺损

  • Effect of Tibolone on the Growth of Subcutaneous Xenograft Tumor of Human Endometrial Carcinoma in Castration Nude Mice

    Tibolone对去势裸鼠人子宫内膜癌皮下 移植 生长及转移的影响

  • Inhibition effect of silencing EGFR gene by RNAi on tumorigenesis of xenograft tumor of ovarian cancer

    RNAi沉默EGFR基因在卵巢癌 裸鼠 移植瘤的成瘤抑制作用

  • The Effect of Endostatin on Xenograft Angiogenesis of Small Cell Lung Cancer

    内皮抑素对小细胞肺癌 移植 微血管生成的影响

  • Impact of RNAi targeting survivin gene on tumor growth apoptosis and radiosensitivity in nude mice xenograft of human cervical carcinoma

    生存素基因RNAi对宫颈癌 裸鼠 移植瘤生长、凋亡和放射敏感性的影响

  • Effect of nobiletin on K562 cells xenograft in nude mice

    柑橘类黄酮诺必擂停对K562 裸鼠 移植 的抑制作用

  • Objective To study the efficacy of New Reconstituted Bone Xenograft ( NRBX ) used alone and combined use of NRBX and vascularized periosteal graft in repairing segmental bony defects .

    目的探讨治疗节段性骨缺损新方法一新型重组合 异种 (NRBX)与带血循骨膜联合移植方法的效果。

  • Effects of AZT Combinated with Radiation on Laryngeal Squamous Carcinoma Xenograft in Mice

    AZT联合放射线对人喉鳞癌 裸鼠 移植 的作用

  • The general concept was to do cell transplants from either autograft so from some place in your own body or xenograft an animal or a cadaver .

    当时大家的想法是,进行细胞移植,从自体,也就是病人自己的身体上,或者 异体 移植皮肤,从动物或是尸体上。

  • RNA interference in mediated Bcl-2 gene silence affects growth of human gallbladder carcinoma xenograft in nude mice

    RNA干扰Bcl-2基因表达对人胆囊癌细胞 GBC-SD裸鼠移植瘤生长的影响

  • Inhibitory effects of siRNA expression plasmid specific to protein kinase CK2 α on human laryngeal carcinoma xenograft in nude mice

    蛋白激酶CK2α特异性siRNA对人喉癌 裸鼠移植瘤的抑制作用

  • Experimental Study on Cancer Stem Cell-Related Markers and the Origin of Vascular Endothelial Cell in Xenograft Tumor

    多种 移植瘤中癌干细胞相关标志表达及血管内皮细胞来源的实验研究

  • Xenograft tumors were developed in athymic mice using MCA207 cells expressing green fluorescent protein ( GFP ) .

    在裸鼠内用能表达绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的MCA207细胞建立 异体肿瘤。

  • Effects and toxicity of yttrium-and samarium-fluorouracil complexes on growth of human gastric carcinoma xenograft tumor in nude mice

    稀土钇-和钐-氟尿嘧啶配合物对荷人胃癌 裸鼠皮下 移植瘤生长的影响及其毒性

  • FK506 can suppress the rejection of xenoma and xenograft effectively in the peripheral nerve .

    免疫抑制剂FK506能有效地抑制周围神经同种异体和 异种 移植中的排斥反应。

  • Inhibitory Effect of Rapamycin on Tumor Growth in Nude Mice Bearing Subcutaneous Xenograft Human Cervical Carcinoma

    雷帕霉素对人宫颈癌裸鼠皮下 移植瘤生长的抑制作用

  • Furthermore a xenograft model of melanoma treated with riluzole an oral GRM1 blocking agent showed decreased tumor growth compared with the untreated controls .

    此外,接受利鲁唑治疗的 异种 移植的黑色素瘤模型,利鲁唑即一种GRM1阻滞剂,研究显示,与对照组相比,利鲁唑治疗组可以阻碍肿瘤的生长。

  • Objective To establish a simple pig-to-monkey xenograft model to study delayed xenograft rejection ( DXR ) .

    目的建立一个简便的研究延迟性排斥反应的猪&猴 异种心脏 移植模型。

  • Establishment of xenograft mouse models to study human lung cancer by using in vivo imaging system

    用于活体成像的小鼠肺癌 移植 模型的建立

  • The Expression Research of BMP-2 and CD31 in the Healing Process of Bone Xenograft

    BMP-2及CD31在 异种移植愈合中的表达研究

  • The combination also induced apoptosis in the A549 xenograft model .

    在A549 异体 移植模型中二者共同作用也诱导了凋亡。

  • The making concordant liver xenograft model of acute rejection

    协同性异种肝 移植急性排斥反应模型的探索

  • Grape seed proanthocyanidin inhibits human ovarian cancer xenograft in nude mice

    葡萄籽原花青素对人卵巢癌 裸鼠 移植瘤细胞增殖和凋亡的影响