


v.(使)变厚(或粗、浓、密),使更厚(或更密、更浓、更粗)( thicken的现在分词 )使(话等)不清晰,使模糊使(情节等)复杂变得不清晰,变得模糊

  • The thickening or hardening of the walls of veins .

    静脉硬化静脉壁 或变硬。

  • To explore the effects of pleural thickening on pulmonary function among asbestos workers .

    探讨胸膜 增厚对石棉工人肺功能的影响。

  • It was discovered that the gingival epithelial thickening was one of the important reasons of causing DGO recently .

    近来发现,牙龈上皮细胞 增厚也是引起DGO的重要原因之一。

  • Therefore how to make prenatal diagnosis to the pregnant women of fetal NT thickening ?

    因此,如何对胎儿NT 增厚的孕妇进行产前诊断?

  • Long-term sun exposure can eventually cause skin cancer as well as skin wrinkling and thickening .


  • Overall men had more thickening of the artery walls compared to women .


  • The glomeruli show irregular thickening and splitting of basement membranes .

    肾小球表现为不规则 增厚,基底膜分离。

  • Nodular thickening of interlobular septa and fissures can be seen in this disease and lymphangitic spread of carcinoma .

    结节样的小叶间隔和叶间裂 增厚也可见于癌性淋巴管病。

  • Thickening is the usual first step in sludge disposal processing .

    污泥处置过程中, 浓缩通常是第一道工序。

  • Clinically the typical lesions are characterized by verrucous thickening and brown pigmentation of the nipple and areola .

    典型的临床表现为乳头及乳晕上有疣状 增厚及棕色斑块。

  • There are many genes that are already expressed and presented in this dimpling and thickening of the outer layer .

    在外胚层的凹陷和 增厚过程中,表达了很多基因。

  • Excess collagen is deposited causing thickening and hardening .

    过量的胶原蛋白沉积下来,引起 增厚和硬化。

  • With thickening oil-tank cover-board it makes acting noise of oil pump and solenoid valve smaller .


  • And thickening agent and glossiness have certain curve linear relationship .


  • Experiment was carried out on the static settling and thickening of sludge water from water works so as to provide basis and direction for the design of inclined plane thickener .

    对自来水厂排泥水分别进行了静沉和 动态 浓缩试验,以便为高效斜板浓缩池的设计和运行提供依据和指导。

  • Secondary vascular tissue found only in plants with secondary thickening develops from the vascular cambium .

    次生维管组织由维管形成层发育而来,仅存在于有次生 加厚的植物中。

  • This was characterized by marked skin thickening and the disappearance of pseudoscars hemorrhage and visible superficial vessels .

    这些情况通过皮肤 厚度以及假瘢痕、出血和可见的表浅血管消失进行量化评分。

  • Both bowel-wall thickening and luminal dilatation were the early findings ;

    肠壁 增厚和肠腔扩张、积液亦属较早期征象;

  • The first recognizable abnormality is increased tortuosity and thickening of the arteries which may compress the underlying veins .

    首先见到的改变是动脉弯曲度的增加和 增厚,它可压迫其下面的静脉。

  • Abnormal hardening or thickening of tissue .

    组织不正常的 或硬化。

  • Anodizing is a process of thickening the natural oxide layer that forms on the surface of aluminum .

    阳极氧化是一种 浓缩的天然氧化层形成的过程,对铝表面。

  • A gummy substance that is a sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose ; used as a thickening or emulsifying agent .

    一种粘性物质,是羧甲基纤维素的钠盐,用作 剂或乳化剂。

  • You have been long gone leaving behind drizzling melancholy and thickening yearning in me .

    你远去了,留给我的是密密细雨般的惆怅,还有那 浓浓的思念。

  • Mesenchymal alterations include thickening of the basal lamina smooth muscle hyperplasia fibrosis and inflammatory cell accumulation .

    间质的改变,包括基底层 增厚,平滑肌增生,纤维化和炎症细胞的积累。

  • As body weight increased abnormal thickening of the heart muscle became more and more common .

    研究结果显示,随着体重的增加,心肌 的几率也越来越大。

  • In sarcoidosis nodular interlobular septal thickening reflects the presence of interstitial granulomas .

    在结节病,结节样的小叶间隔 增厚反映的是间质的小肉芽肿。

  • We have understand that the thickening time and the application level of retardant have do with its molecular structure .

    明确了缓凝剂对 时间的影响程度及适用 温度范围与自身分子结构有 密切关系。

  • Nodular thickening of interlobular septa can be seen in lymphangitic carcinomatosis sarcoidosis and silicosis .

    结节状小叶间隔 增厚可见于癌性淋巴管炎、结节病和硅肺。

  • In concentrated solution it adds thickening and chewiness .

    浓缩溶液可提高 粘度和咀嚼性。

  • A new hypothesis for explaining crustal thickening and significant lithospheric thinning in the Jurassic in eastern China is proposed .

    对中国东部侏罗纪时期地壳 增厚和岩石圈显著变薄的现象,提出一个新的形成机制假说。