


  • Inhibitory effects of breviscapine on thrombopoiesis induced by carrageenin in mice

    灯盏花素抑制角叉菜胶诱导小鼠 血栓 形成

  • Transthoracic echocardiogram examination of 3-month follow-up showed that occluder in 61 patients was placed well had normal morphology without thrombopoiesis .

    发生封堵器 脱落 栓塞,3个月随访胸超声心动图检查显示61例封堵器位置良好,形态正常、无 血栓 形成

  • Stimulation of megakaryocyte maturation and thrombopoiesis in vitro by thrombocytopoiesis-stimulating factor

    血小板生成刺激因子对巨核 血小板系统体外生成的 影响

  • Results Sheng xue ning can enhance erythropoiesis leukocytopoiesis and thrombopoiesis ;

    结果生血宁能促进红细胞、白细胞及 血小板 生成

  • Microangiopathy companyed by thrombopoiesis and neovascularization of retina were very important in the development of DR.

    视网膜微循环内微血管病变伴 血栓 形成及新生血管 形成在DR的 发生发展中起重要的 作用

  • Conclusions Sheng xue ning shows significant effects on treating iron deficiency anemia and hemorrhagic anemia enhancing erythropoiesis leukocytopoiesis and thrombopoiesis .

    结论生血宁治疗缺铁性与失血性贫血效果明显,促进红细胞、白细胞及 血小板 生成

  • Objeactive To research on TPO analogue peptide L203 to the thrombopoiesis effective and cultural megakaryocyte differentiation the multiplication influence in myelosuppressive rats .

    目的了解TPO模拟肽 L203对骨髓抑制后大鼠的促 血小板 生成作用及对大鼠巨核细胞分化、增殖的影响。

  • Effect of γ - ray TBI on thrombopoiesis in mice

    γ线全身照射对小鼠 血小板 生成的影响