


  • Objective : To investigate the effect of Danshensu Capsules on platelet aggregation experimental thrombosis and hemorheology in rat .

    目的:研究丹参素胶囊对大鼠血小板聚集性和血液流变学及 血栓 形成的影响。

  • Deep vein thrombosis ( DVT ) and pulmonary embolism are common after stroke .

    中风后深静脉 血栓和肺栓塞很常见。

  • Measurement : Prospectively diagnosed and confirmed symptomatic deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism .

    测量指标――预期诊断和被证实为有症状的深部静脉 血栓 形成或者肺栓塞。

  • Risk factor of venous thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism were inquired .

    调查静脉 血栓 形成和肺栓塞相关危险因素。

  • Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of portal vein thrombosis ( PVT ) .

    目的探讨急性门静脉 血栓 形成(PVT)的诊治。

  • Is intra-arterial thrombolysis the treatment of first choice for basilar thrombosis ?

    动脉内溶栓是基底动脉 血栓 形成的首选治疗方法吗?

  • An acute cerebral infarct is seen here . Such infarcts are typically the result of arterial thrombosis or embolism .

    急性脑梗死,这种梗死是动脉 血栓 形成或栓塞的典型表现。

  • Doppler-ultrasound revealed a deep venous thrombosis in the left popliteal and calf vein .

    多谱勒超音波发现深部的左膕静脉和小腿静脉有 血栓 形成

  • Objective To study the diagnostic value of color Doppler ultrasound for the thrombosis in lower limb deep veins .

    目标研究讨论彩色多普勒超声对下肢深静脉 血栓的诊断价值。

  • Methods : The clinical data of10 cases of extensive portal venous system thrombosis were analyzed retrospectively .

    方法:回顾性分析10例广泛门静脉系 血栓 形成的患者的临床资料。

  • Objective : To study the relationship between thrombosis and mechanism of coronary heart disease .

    目的:探讨冠心病的发生及发展与 血栓 形成的关系。

  • A presumptive diagnosis of thrombosis .


  • Experimental Research of Animal Model and Thrombolytic Therapy for Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis

    颅内静脉窦 血栓 形成的动物模型建立和溶栓治疗研究

  • Conclusion The rate of vein thrombosis in perioperative lower extremity fracture patients is high .

    结论下肢骨折围手术期静脉 血栓 发生率较高。

  • The research is reported in the American Heart Association journal Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology .

    这项研究结果已经发表在美国心脏协会杂志《动脉硬化、 血栓和血管生物学》上。

  • Objective To explore the early diagnosis and prognosis for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis ( CVST ) .

    目的探讨脑静脉窦 血栓 形成(CVST)的早期诊断及预后。

  • We postulate a relationship between the use of amphetamine and occurrence of acute thrombosis of multiple major coronary arteries .

    我们推论安非他命的使用和发生多重冠状动脉急性 血栓 形成存在著因果关系。

  • Objective : Establishment and synthetical evaluation of a rabbit model of arterial thrombosis by modified thread-drawing method .

    目的:建立改良挂线法家兔动脉 血栓 形成模型并进行综合评价。

  • Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism – blood clots in the leg veins which can dislodge and move to the heart and lungs .

    深静脉 血栓和肺栓塞&腿部静脉出现血块,它可移动至心脏和肺部。

  • Thrombosis : Formation of a Blood clot ( thrombus ) in the heart or a Blood vessel .

    血栓 形成:在心脏或血管内形成血凝块(血栓)的一种病理现象。

  • After retransplantation two of three patients lost their graft owing to bleeding and venous thrombosis .

    再移植后,2例由于出血和静脉 血栓 形成而再次丢失移植物。

  • Objective To study the clinical characteristics and treatment of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis ( CVST ) in puerperium .

    目的探讨产褥期颅内静脉窦 血栓 形成的临床特点及治疗方法。

  • It is generally accepted that thinning of the blood reduces the chances of thrombosis .

    一般认为,稀释血液可降低 血栓 形成的可能性。

  • He could have died after developing deep vein thrombosis during a flight to Sydney .

    他在一次飞往悉尼的航行中得了深静脉 血栓,险些丧命。

  • But no serious complications such as deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism were observed .

    术中及术后未见深静脉 血栓及肺动脉栓塞等严重并发症。

  • Hepatic artery thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis were observed in one case each .

    发生肝动脉 血栓 形成和发生门静脉血栓形成的患者各发现一例。

  • None of the cases occurred vascular injury marrow infections broken nails and complications such as venous thrombosis .

    没有一例出现血管损伤、髓腔感染、断钉及静脉 血栓等并发症。

  • The two most common manifestations of VTE are deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism .

    静脉血栓 栓塞的两种最常见表现是深静脉 血栓 形成和肺栓塞。

  • Conclusion Conventional MRI combined with MRV are effective and noninvasive methods in the diagnosis of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis .

    结论MRI结合MRV是诊断脑静脉窦 血栓 形成的无创、有效手段。