through the agency of

[θru ði ˈedʒənsi ʌv][θru: ðə ˈeidʒənsi ɔv]


  • Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of vermin or insects .

    某些传染病只 通过 害虫和昆虫来传播。

  • Article 21 Goods imported through the agency of a foreign trade enterprise shall not be transferred or sold to the non-bonded areas without authorization .

    第二十一条外贸企业 代理进口 货物不得擅自转让、销售到非保税区。

  • Through the agency of research on the landslide disaster particularly in Qingyuan Administrative Region the authors comparatively discussed the effect of different susceptibility assessment model such as single-variate superimposing model decision-making tree model and logistic regression model for landslide hazard in application .

    通过 庆元地区滑坡灾害的详细研究,比较讨论了单变量评价、决策树评价与逻辑回归法等3种滑坡危险性评价模型在实际应用中的效果。

  • Through the travel agency business analysis demand analysis design and realization of the use .

    通过 旅行 的业务分析、需求分析,设计并实现了使用。

  • Then corporation can get the best debt maturity structure through measuring the ambivalent agency cost factors of the short term and long term .

    于是,企业对短期与长期 代理成本 这些矛盾因素 进行权衡就可以获得最优的债务期限结构。

  • This paper is to analyse Japanese agricultural and aquatic products industry joint association deposit insurance regulations through introducing the structure of the deposit insurance agency the management patterns of the operating committee the business content and scope of the agency .

    本文 日本农水产业协同组合存款金保险 机构 组织结构、运营委员会的管理模式、存款金保险机构的业务内容及范围,分析了日本农水产业协同组合存款金保险制度。

  • The announcement also clarified that the principal owners of Chinese shares held through the agency of a QFII-approved bank or fund manager would be allowed to make claims for the tax relief .

    上述宣布还澄清了一点,即 通过QFII批准的银行或基金管理 公司持有中国股票的主要所有者,将获准申请减税。

  • Several methods evaluating the mechanical parameters of rock through the agency of logging data


  • Carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen through the agency of plant .

    二氧化碳 由於植物 作用转化为氧气。

  • In this paper the author through interpreting and analyzing the insurance agency system studies the features and nature of the insurance agency in order to improve the insurance agency system both in the theory and practice .

    本文意在 通过 保险 代理制度 阐释和分析,对保险代理的特征和本质进行探究,以期对保险代理制度理论和保险代理实践有所帮助,进一步完善保险代理制度体系。

  • He had found the lob through the agency of another member of the firm .

    通过 商行另一位员工 介绍而找到这份工作。

  • Vehicles are usually driven through the agency of the friction between the wheel and the fixed surface be it rail or road .

    车辆通常是 通过 轮子和固定表面(无论是轨迹还是公路)之间的摩擦作用而行驶

  • Rocks are worn smooth through the agency of water .

    岩石 由于作用而被 磨光

  • Research on the Scheme of Carbon Dioxide Huff and Puff Process in Wenliu Oilfield ; Carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen through the agency of plants .

    文留油田二氧化碳吞吐采油方案研究二氧化碳 由于植物 作用转化为氧气。

  • Through the agency of relatives he got the position .

    通过亲戚 周旋,他得到了那个职位。

  • Through the agency of cooperation between different disciplines found the relationships of cooperation network structure and international cooperation .

    通过 机构间的合作关系网,发现了不同学科 机构合作关系网结构和国际合作程度的差别。

  • It was through the agency that he obtained work cleaning toilets of public facilities five nights a week .

    通过 机构找到了工作,一周五个晚上打扫公共厕所。

  • With respect to residents of Taiwan Province the authentication procedures shall be handled based on the identification papers of the person himself through the representative agency of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone stationed in Hong Kong .

    (二)居住在台湾省的,凭本人身份证明, 通过深圳经济特区驻港代表 机构办理认证。

  • Based on regulating the supply characteristics of and influencing factors of agricultural insurance through investigation of the operating agency of agricultural insurance found the willingness of the insurance institutions engaged in agricultural insurance constraints and policy requirements .

    四是在规范分析了农业保险供给特征与影响因素基础上, 通过 农业保险经营 机构 调查,发现保险机构经营农业保险的意愿、制约因素和政策需求。

  • Such as ever since old Catholic times had occasionally been seer on earth through the agency of their mother 's sin and to promote some foul and wicked purpose .

    自从古天主教时代以来,世上常见这种孩子,都是 由于做母亲 罪孽,才生下来以助长肮脏恶毒的目的。

  • This disease is spread through the agency of insects .

    这种疾病是 通过昆虫 媒介传播

  • I believe that through this annual meeting the international shipping agency enterprises of all nations and regions will find out the new opportunity for development and obtain the larger income .

    我相信, 通过本届年会,各国各地区国际货运 代理企业将找到新的发展机遇,获得更大收益。

  • Steam engine : Machine that uses steam power to perform mechanical work through the agency of heat ( hence a prime mover ) .

    蒸汽机:利用蒸汽 热能做机械功的机器(因此是原动力)。

  • The state student loan of higher institutions is an important step taken by the government through the agency of finance to perfect the College Student Support System and take greater effort to support poor students .

    高等学校国家助学贷款是我国政府 利用金融 手段完善普通高校资助政策体系、加大对普通高校经济困难学生资助力度所采取的一项重大措施。

  • Methods : The old oxidizing technology seriously polluting environment were effectively improved through the agency of raising dispersion degree 、 reinforcing rejection of heat and curing leadage .

    方法: 提高分散度、增强换热能力和根治 泄漏入手, 污染严重的旧氧化工艺进行有效改造。

  • From the synchronic perspective the three kinds of archetypal meanings are the trinity actually unifying in the water archetype through the agency of chaos and becoming a firm meaning entity .

    从共时的角度看,三种原型意义实际上是三位一体的关系, 通过混沌 中介统一于水原型,形成一个牢固的意义实体。

  • There is limited accountability through the agency of the media ; through the ballot box it remains non-existent .

    借助媒体 力量只能实现有限的问责;而通过投票实现问责的机制则仍然不存在。