through path

[θru pæθ][θru: pɑ:θ]


  • Thus through using path selection technology wireless sensor network achieves Differentiated Services and a data delivery mechanism based on the Differentiated Services is proposed .

    因此,我们 无线传感器网络中使用 路径选择策略实现区分服务方案,提出了一种基于区分服务机制的无线传感器网络数据传输算法。

  • However through that path of heart-to-heart we aparted .

    然而, 经历心心相对的这一 过后,我们分开了。

  • Fundamentally Marxist theory is a kind of theory of justice that pursuits equality freedom and the development of person and a declaration of humanitarian with practice and a great guide of human liberation and freedom through the path of system to realize .

    从根本上说,马克思主义理论就是一种追求人人平等、自由与发展的正义论,是具有实践特色的人道主义宣言,是 通过制度 路径实现人的解放与自由的伟大指南。

  • MASTER : Through the path of bhakti a man may attain them both .

    师父; 通过巴克提的 道路,人会同时获得它们。

  • The sole domain of the specific category has the process which the development grows gradually naturally the television program of historical theme then passed through one path in our country that clearly to distinguish and can be researched .

    特定范畴中的单一领域自然同样有其发生发展逐步成长的过程,历史题材电视节目在我国便 走过了一 清晰可辨可供研究梳理的具体 旅程

  • Plasma through the plane to medium vision with massive particles through path minkowski space plane path of the mathematical description of consistent contain the space and time dimension .

    等离子通过异向介质的平面 路径与大规模粒子 通过闵可夫斯基空间的平面路径的数学描述一致,其中都包含了空间和时间的维度。

  • The theory analyzes the main related factors affected food consumption through path analysis which include population and demographic structure the per capita GDP per capita food production eating habits technological level food prices and so on .

    从影响粮食消费的基本要素,人口与人口结构、人均GDP、人均粮食生产、饮食习惯、科技水平、粮食价格等, 通过 分析研究分析影响粮食消费的主要因素。

  • We compress the tree path through two path compression techniques to improve the search performance .

    通过两种 路径压缩技术来压缩树路径,以提高查找性能。

  • The rectangle is then drawn and moved through the path .

    然后绘制矩形,并且矩形 沿着路径 进行移动。

  • Through guide path to put two pieces insulated strip into slot .

    通过导向 将两根隔热胶条准确穿入铝材槽内;

  • So hands up who thinks it is even physically possible for a falling body to pass through the path of most resistance ?

    因此,举手,谁认为这是身体,甚至有可能一落体 通过 路径最反抗?

  • Through path analysis self-concept not only influences depression directly but also influences depression through achievement motivation and coping style indirectly .

    4 路径分析发现:自我概念不仅直接影响抑郁,还通过成就动机和应对方式间接影响抑郁。

  • Just as pointed out by scholars the settlement mechanism of international commercial disputes has been through a path of development of ' arbitration combination of arbitration and mediation mediation ' .

    从国际商事争议的特点及商事争议解决机制的特点,国际商事调解的发展是今后必然趋势,正如学者指出的国际商事争议解决机制已经 走过了一 仲裁仲裁与调解结合调解的发展 道路

  • The direct effects of various elements upon the total sugar content interaction among elements and their indirect effects upon total sugar content were made clear through path coefficient analysis .

    通过 分析,明确了各元素对总糖量的直接影响,以及元素间的相互作用及其对总糖量的间接影响。

  • Looking back a hundred years of modern Chinese history discovered we pass through path both winding and difficult .

    回首中国百年的现代化历程,发现我们 走过 道路既曲折又艰辛。

  • After reliability and validity analysis and exploratory factor analysis the study tested the correlation between variables to verify the hypothesis through path analysis and structural equation model .

    本文在运用信度和效度分析及探索性因素分析对预调研数据进行分析之后,进行了大样本正式调研, 通过 路径分析和结构方程建模检验了变量之间的相关性以验证理论假设。

  • Moreover the Temperature and Stress distribution is discussed through path operation to give an analysis of the characteristics of Temperature and Stress fields of sulfur condenser .

    根据求解得到的硫磺冷凝器的稳态温度场和应力场,定义了典型 路径进行结果 路径分析,取得了硫磺冷凝器的稳态温度场和应力场的分布特征。

  • The fifth part is economic and trade relationship normalization connotation and the normalization of relations between ECFA contributed to trade through the path analysis .

    第五章是经贸关系正常化的内涵和 经由ECFA促成经贸关系正常化的 路径分析。本章包括三节。

  • When it 's viewed the orientation of the square doesn 't change as it moves through the path .

    在查看该运动时,您会发现矩形在 沿着 路径移动的过程中其方向不会发生变化。

  • In order to assess effects of chemical properties of soil salinity on electrical conductivity of 1 ∶ 5 soil water extract ( EC 1 ∶ 5 ) the relations between EC 1 ∶ 5 and chemical properties of soil salinity were studied through Path Coefficient analysis .

    为评估土壤盐分化学性质对土壤溶液电导率的影响强度, 应用 分析方法研究了滨海盐土的1∶5土水比土壤浸提液电导率(EC1∶5)与土壤盐分化学性质各要素的关系。

  • It is physically impossible for a falling body to pass through the path of most resistance .

    这是身体,不可能一自由落体运动 通过 路径最阻力。

  • The algorithm can achieve energy efficient through path optimization and level adjustment .

    该算法 通过 路径优化以及能级调整来实现能量有效性。

  • After the analysis of the course and the situation of RMB internationalization there are references for RMB internationalization through the path comparison and the pattern choice of the major currencies .

    随后,分析人民币国际化的历程和近况, 通过世界主要货币的 路径比较及模式选择为人民币国际化提供借鉴。

  • This research analyzes relationships between Non-political factors and fertility through path analysis on the basis of the West fertility transition theory and the fifth census data of China 's 31 provinces / administrative .

    以西方生育率变动理论为依据,利用中国第五次人口普查的省区截面数据, 采用 路径分析法对影响中国生育率的非政策因素进行量化分析。

  • The simulation model was based on a network representation enabling to match each network configuration with a heuristic state in order to find the path between any node pair by filtering inappropriate path then choosing the appropriate path through remaining path .

    该仿真模型基于一种网络表示方法,借助启发态匹配每一个网络的配置,从而通过过滤不恰当的路径后选择合适的 由来在任何节点对之间建立 路径

  • Method of DFA 's Minimization Based on Recognized Word through Simple Path

    基于简单 路径上的识别字 实现DFA的最小化

  • Vaccine testing is supported by funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through PATH .

    这项试验是由比尔和美琳达·盖茨基金会 通过 适宜卫生技术组织资助的。这组科学家希望到2008年的下半年开始下一阶段(III期)临床实验,检验疫苗预防疟疾的效率。

  • Through this new strategy of argumentation Hegel lifted the dangers of Skepticism and relativism that lead by giving up the basis of philosophy while he achieves the objectivity through a path that not set a base .

    通过这种新的哲学论证策略,黑格尔解除了因为放弃基础而可能导致的怀疑主义和相对主义的危险,同时他还 打通了一 不设定确定基础而达到客观性的 道路