to be frank with you


  • To be frank with you I would like nothing better than to be an overseas reporter some day .

    坦白 ,我只想有一天当一名驻外记者。

  • To be frank with you if it were not for the long-standing relationship between us we would hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price .

    老实 ,假如不是为了我们双方长期以来的关系,我们不大可能以这样的价格向你方报实盘的。

  • To be frank I don 't agree with what you said .

    坦率 ,我不 同意 说的话。

  • I 'm going to be very frank with you . I confess I felt a little shy .

    非常 对待 。坦白地说,我倒有点害臊。

  • To be frank with you the population in our country is on the decrease .

    坦白 ,我们国家的人口正在减少中。

  • To be quite frank with you I do not appreciate your way of handing the dispute .

    坦白 告诉 ,我不欣赏你这种处理争端的手法。

  • To be frank with you I don 't like the way you treated your sister .

    老实 ,我不喜欢喜 那样待你妹妹。

  • To be frank with you I don 't.

    坦白 告诉 ,我不 一组。

  • To be frank with you I don 't love you any more .

    老实 ,我已经不再爱你了。

  • To be frank with you we can ` t make any concession any more .

    坦率 ,我们不能再做出任何让步了。

  • To be frank with you a discount of4 % would help very much .

    坦率 ,百分之四的折扣帮助不大。

  • To be frank with you Harvey I may have made a mistake .

    老实 ,哈维,我可能犯了个错。

  • To be frank with you 240 yuan per set can barely cover our production cost .

    坦率 ,每台240元勉强能支付生产成本。

  • To be frank we are going to set up a moderate scale joint venture with you .

    实话 .我们希望 公司建立一家中型合资企业。

  • To be frank and open with you I like this job but I have a family with two children .

    老实 坦诚 ,我喜欢这份工作,不过我有两个孩子要负担。

  • To be frank with you I am as happy as a king .

    坦白 ,我 帝王一样快乐。

  • To be frank with you you be a little too anxious to succeed

    坦率 有点太着而不能成功

  • To be frank with you we are willing to transport the goods by rail In consideration of Its cheaper cost .

    坦率 ,我们愿意用火车来运输这些货物,因为这样费用较低。

  • Mark you 're my brother but I have to be frank with you .

    马克,你是我的亲兄弟,可是我 坦率

  • If you require rate for any other article please let us know and we shall quote our lowest freight . To be frank with you we are willing to transport the goods by rail In consideration of Its cheaper cost .

    如需其它货物运价,请来 函告知,当报最低费率不误。 坦率 ,我们愿意用火车来运输这些货物,因为这样费用较低。

  • To be perfectly frank with you I think your son has little chance of passing the exam .

    实在的,我认为你儿子这次考试及格的 希望不大。

  • To be frank with you I love you .

    直率 ,我喜欢你。

  • Well to be frank with you .

    其实 不妨 直说

  • To be frank with you Mr smith the price you quoted is impossible .

    坦率 ,司密斯先生,你报的价格是不可能成交的。

  • To be frank with you we can hardly accept your offer unless you cut down your price by 5 % .

    坦率 ,我们很难接受 你们的报盘,除非把价格降低5%。

  • To be frank with you I 'm not interested in it .

    老实 ,我对它不感兴趣。”