


  • Anything like their usual thuggish response will not go down well abroad .

    如果他们用以往惯用的 残暴 方式 应对,传出去也不会 那么好看。

  • In contrast the press talked of the thuggish backgrounds of the young white men suspected of killing Stephen Lawrence and their family connections to local gangsters .

    于此相反,报章谈到了杀害 斯蒂芬劳伦斯的年轻白人疑犯的 恶棍背景,还有他们的家庭与当地歹徒的关系。

  • The owner of the stall a large thuggish man grabbed Dai by the collar .

    摊主是个 野蛮 凶狠的大块头,他一把抓住了戴的衣领。

  • Usually this has meant supporting whoever is in power no matter how thuggish or unpopular .

    通常情况下,这些 方针 台词是支持当权者,无论 他们是多 凶暴、多么 不得民心的 当权

  • In this country we are not jailed for using words like thugs to describe thuggish behavior by men who represent an evil government like Communist China .

    在这个国家里,你不会因为骂 某些替邪恶政府 坏事的政府 官员 流氓而被投入监狱。

  • Their thuggish candidate for New York governor swaggered around with a baseball bat and threatened reporters and anyone else who annoyed him .

    他们 杀手 的纽约州长候选人带着一根棒球棒大摇大摆转悠,威胁记者和任何让他恼怒的人。

  • And we can only work that out as people were seeing parallels between the thuggish side of nature and gang warfare .

    令人 惊讶的,它成为一 大放异彩 纪录片。我们只能由此了解到,人们在自然界 嗜杀和帮派 火拼之间可以看到相似处。