timing unit

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈjunɪt][ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈju:nit]

[计] 计时单位

  • The data which incarnate the character of sectional data and timing sequence data can better analysis the direction of individual data changing with the time and the data also can reflect the variety of whole data inside and the difference of the unit .

    它将截面数据和 时间序列数据很好地融合在一起,能更好地分析个体随时间变化的趋势,更充分地反映个体内部的变化和 个体间的差异。

  • Because the paleoearthquake data are limited in timing accuracy 100 year is regarded as the smallest unit .

    由于古地震资料测 精度的原因,在地震活动期划分中,以100年为最小 单位

  • This paper introduces the configuration of 16-bit single-chip micro-computer Hitachi H8 / 3048F and describes inherent integrated timing unit ( ITU ) and its two kinds of operating modes .

    文章介绍了日立公司的16位单片机H8/3048F的基本组成.讲述了内部集成 定时 单元ITU及其两种工作方式。

  • Synch-sampling is an ideal AC sampling method it may appear deviation ( sampling synchronous deviation ) because of the limitation of minimum timing unit of timer and variety of signal frequence .

    理想的交流采样是同步采样,但是由于信号周期的飘移和定时器最小 定时 单位的限制,同步采样会出现偏差(采样同步偏差)。

  • Timing circuit is usually made up of power supply unit panel circuit and timing board it is the digital control part of power source .

    定时电路一般由电源 模块、面板电路和定时板组成,是功率源中的数字控制部分。

  • In order to flexibly control the injection pressure timing & quantity of the high pressure common rail system we have developed an electronically controlled unit ( ECU ) based on the 32 bit high performance micro controller .

    为了实现对高压共轨系统喷射压力、喷射 定时及喷油量的灵活控制,开发了基于32位高性能单片机的电子控制 单元(ECU)。

  • The Design Multi of Function Timing Control Unit

    多功能 定时 控制器的设计

  • System through in-depth analysis and constantly improve the time every day to extract data from the production system daily monthly timing analysis calculated each unit the user can quickly query to a variety of analysis reports .

    系统通过深入地分析和不断完善,实现了每天定时从各生产系统中抽取数据,每天、每月 定时分析计算的功能,各 单位用户可以快速地查询到多种分析报表。

  • The engine spark timing and the basic e-jection amount were controlled by the standard SDS hand-held programmer so as to program the ECU ( e-lectronic control unit ) .

    点火 时间与基本喷油量,使用一个标准的手持式液晶显示编程器对电控 单元进行编程。

  • The timing generation 、 signal processing 、 signal controlling 、 output interface and data storage unit are mentioned .

    它包括 时序产生 单元、信号处理 单元、信号控制 单元、数据输出接口 单元和数据采集存储 单元等几部分。

  • Systematic inside have adopted the method of time base with timing circuit storing annual examine information then the traffic management department and the automobile operation unit can manage or supervise automobile easily .

    系统内部采用了时基电路 定时的方法储存年检信息,便于交通管理部门以及汽车运营 单位对汽车进行管理和监督。

  • The main structure of the hardware including top timing control unit bram and its timing generator serial to parallel converter shift register multiplexer processing element and multi-level adders .

    硬件结构主要包括总体 时序控制 单元、存储 单元及其时序发生器、串并转换单元、移位器、选通器、运算单元和级联加法器。

  • The system is multilevel and adopts distributed structure consisting of PLC timing control unit data acquisition and processing unit parameter setting unit and monitoring unit of vacuum and low temperature ;

    系统采用分级分布式结构,由PLC 时序控制 单元、数据采集与处理单元、参数预设单元和真空与低温监控单元组成;

  • Some methods of improving timing convergence are presented and the design of butterfly unit in FFT processor is taken as an example to describe the application of STA to high speed and large scale FPGA design .

    针对 时序不满足的情况,提出了几种常用的促进 时序收敛的方法。结合设计实例,阐明了 STA在高速、大规模FPGA开发中的应用。

  • Briefly presented the Timing Generator 's functions : it generates various kinds of impulse sequence for the focal plane unit and vision processor and acts as the synchronous coordinator for time in the CCD imaging unit .

    简述了线阵CCD相机中CCD成象单元的 时序发生器的功能:产生焦平面 组件和视频处理器所需的各种脉冲序列,在CCD成象单元工作中起着时间上同步协调的作用。

  • In order to solve above problems a frequency conversion timing unit for screw pump well and an automatic control system were developed .

    该系统可准确、实时地监控螺杆 井的扭矩、转速等工况参数,并对螺杆泵井实施变频 调速和自动控制。

  • It is also assumed that every tone is restricted to be linked with a TBU that occupies one timing unit at least .

    并假设每个声调只能和占据一个 单位以上的声调负荷单位连接。

  • The error between real sampling point and ideal Synch-sampling point is no more than minimum timing unit of timer .

    每个采样点与预计同步点的误差不大于一个定时器最小 定时 单位

  • A cursor in the timing wheel moves one location every time unit just like a second hand on a clock .

    每经过一个时间 单元计时轮中的指针移动一个位置,就像时钟中的秒针一样。

  • Two groups of expressions about jitter spectra are deducted which are relative to two nonlinear circuits ( NLCs ) square-law ( SL ) and linear-rectifier ( LR ) in timing unit of optical communication systems . Their jitter properties are compared with typical parameter values .

    本文由光通信系统中 定时抖动功率谱的一般表达式,分析比较了平方律(SL)和线性 整流(LR)两种不同非线性电路(NLC)的抖动特性。

  • Jitter Performance of Timing Recovery Unit of Optical Communication Systems

    光通信系统 时钟提取 单元的抖动特性