three-dimensional image


  • Three-dimensional image preprocessing technique Asphalt Residual Treating process

    三维 图像预处理技术沥青渣油预处理过程

  • Three-dimensional image preprocessing technique

    三维 图像预处理技术

  • The three-dimensional image edges extraction method based on the local robust statistics and three-dimensional C-V model is studied .

    研究了 三维 图像边缘提取的局部稳健统计C-V模型。

  • Three-dimensional image reconstruction is the fundamental for computer-aided analysis and treatment design .

    医学 图像 三维重建是实施计算机辅助分析和治疗设计的基础。

  • I am a shadow . A three-dimensional image from another world . I am not really here .

    我是影子。是另外世界的我在 三维 空间 立体 倒影。在这里的不是真实的我。

  • Measurement of Ankle Joint Position Sense Based on Three-dimensional Image Measurement System

    基于 三维 图像测量系统的足关节位置感觉测量

  • The branch of optics that deals with the use of coherent light from a laser in order to make a hologram that can then be used to create a three-dimensional image .

    光学中有关以激光制造全息图从而创造 三维 图象的分支。

  • Three-D holographic memory the intermediate photographic record that contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional image by holography .

    三维全息照相存储器一种包含各种信息的中介图象,这种信息是用来利用全息术制作 三维 图象

  • There are two ways to generate a three-dimensional image for a two-dimensional screen : rasterization and real-time ray tracing .

    目前有两种方式能够在二维屏幕上实时 绘制 3D 图像:传统的光栅化方式以及实时光线追踪方式。

  • Modification of DEM and creation of three-dimensional image in conflux area of water and land using PCI & A case study of Zhoushan area

    应用PCI进行水陆交汇区域DEM修改及 三维 影像制作研究&以舟山地区为例

  • The three-dimensional image measurement is studied based on the image focusing method of auto-focusing technology .

    以自动对焦技术中的图像对焦法为对象,研究基于图像对焦的 三维 影像测量。

  • Improved Viewing Quality of Reconstructed Three-Dimensional Image Based on Texture Features of Matching Regions

    利用匹配区域的纹理特征改善重构 三维 图像的视觉质量

  • These discrete images will be perceived and interpreted as an integrated three-dimensional image due to eye persistence .

    受调制的离散二维图像 信息,因视觉暂留而形成深度效应,将被整合感知为一幅连续的 三维 图像

  • Therefore it is necessary to carry out related research and exploration in the three-dimensional image sensing detection .

    因此,有必要在 三维 图像传感检测方面进行相关的研究和探索。

  • Conclusions CTVE can clearly demonstrate a three-dimensional image of the auditory ossicular chain and is useful in evaluating diseases of the ear especially the auditory ossicles .

    结论CTVE能显示听骨链的 立体 影像,有利于听骨链病变的显示和诊断。

  • Algorithm of three-dimensional image surface reconstruction based on interpolation function

    基于插值函数的 三维 图像表面重建算法

  • Customers who hold up a Lego box in front of a computer kiosk will see a three-dimensional image of the toy inside it appear on the screen .

    消费者在一个电脑展示台前举起乐高玩具的盒子,就能在屏幕上看到里面玩具的 三维 图像

  • Computational Reconstructed Three-dimensional Image Based on Disparity Information

    基于视差信息的 三维 图像的计算机重构

  • Image showing and processing software is completed and feasibility of three-dimensional image reconstruction is approved .

    完成了扫描图像存储与显示以及 二维图像预处理的软件,并研究了 扫描 图像 三维重构的实现方法。

  • Millimeter wave scanners beam radio waves over the body to create a three-dimensional image .

    毫米波长扫描仪发射无线电波到人体表面,产生一个 三维 图像

  • Producing a three-dimensional image requires repeating the process at different angles like a hospital CT scanner .

    要产生 三维 影像,必须从不同角度重复同样的过程,就像医院的电脑断层扫描一样。

  • Moreover the methods and procedure of three-dimensional image is acquired by monopulse angle measurement approach .

    给出了利用单脉冲测角获得目标 三维 图像的方法和步骤。

  • Research of Three-Dimensional Image Technology and Its Application in GIS

    三维 影像技术的研究及其在GIS中的应用

  • All the information describing the three-dimensional image is in essence encoded in the two-dimensional hologram .

    描述 三维 图形所需的一切资讯,基本上都记录在二维的全像图之中。

  • A hologram is a sheet of photographic emulsion on which an interference pattern that can produce a three-dimensional image had been recorded

    全息图是一张记录着干涉图样的感光胶片,这个干涉图样能产生 立体 图像

  • Three-Dimensional Image Segmentation Based on Edge and Fuzzy Set Theory

    基于边界和模糊集理论的 三维 图像分割

  • It uses computed tomography imaging technology to create a three-dimensional image of each bag .

    它使用计算机断层成像技术为每个包裹都创建一个 三维 图像