three-core cable

[θri kɔr ˈkebəl][θri: kɔ: ˈkeibl]


  • This paper introduces the working principle of and maters needing attention in the remote monitoring an electric motor with a three-core cable .

    介绍了用一 电缆对一台电机进行远距离监控的工作原理及注意事项。

  • According to the characteristics of single-core and three-core cable structure One-Dimensional Thermal Model can be established for single-core cable temperature field and two-Dimensional Thermal Model can be established for three-core cable temperature field .

    根据单芯与 电缆结构的特点,对单芯电缆温度场建立一维导热模型,对三芯电缆温度场建立两极坐标组合的二维导热模型。

  • Three-core power cable with common copper screen

    带公共铜屏蔽 电力 电缆

  • Remote Monitoring of a Electric Motor with an Three-core Cable

    用一 电缆对一台电机的远距离监控

  • A dynamic link library which is used to calculate the single-core or three-core temperature field and dynamic current carrying capacity has been programmed separately in VC + + development environment . Further the online monitoring software of power cable has been developed .

    利用VC++开发环境分别编写了单芯、 电缆 稳态温度场与动态载流量计算动态链接库(DLL)和 电缆在线监测系统软件。

  • Among them transformer circuit uses x3-core armored cable with10kV cross-section185mm2 motor circuit uses three-core armored cable with10kV cross-section95mm2 .

    其中,变压器回路采用10kV截面为185mm2的三芯铠装电缆,马达回路采用10kV截面为95mm2的 铠装 电缆

  • In view of the symmetric arrangement of the three conductors to the sheath center of a three-core power cable this paper presents a new approach to calculation of electric field using a charge simulation method .

    本文针对 电力 电缆内三导体布置上的对称性,提出了一种采用模拟电荷法计算其电场的新算法。