Yalta agreement

[ˈjɔltə əˈɡrimənt][ˈjæltə əˈɡri:mənt]

[法] 雅尔塔协定

  • In the early period after the war the four large countries namely the ussr the us the UK and france carved out their spheres of influence in accordance with the yalta agreement and occupied Germany and its capital by districts .

    战后初期,苏、美、英、法四大国 雅尔塔 协议”划分了势力范围,并分区占领了德国及其首都。

  • The biggest converse change of geopolitic environment which had occurred since Moscow dukedom arising from the disorganization of USSR has a greater effect on Russia than Yalta agreement on USSR signed at the close of World war II .

    而俄罗斯由于苏联的解体,发生了自莫斯科公国以来最大的逆向地缘政治变动,地缘政治环境的改变对俄罗斯造成的影响不亚于二战快结束时签订的《 雅尔塔 协定 对苏联的影响。

  • A study on Yalta agreement China-USSR treaty and Chongqing negotiation

    雅尔塔 协定、中苏条约与重庆谈判