


  • Radial Keratotomy were performed on104 cases ( 206eyes ) of myopia and follewed up for2 yare .

    报告104例206眼放射状角膜切开术后2年 散光的变化。

  • ER positive was 28 . 6 % in patient survival longer than 5 years 57.9 % in patient survival less than 5 yare . There was significant difference between the two groups ( P < 0 . 05 . ) .

    生存期大于5年组与小于5年组相比,ER阳性率为28.6%和 57.9%,具有显著性差异(P<0.05),与 性别组织 分化 程度 有无 淋巴 转移 无关

  • Using gyroscope as the yare sensor to scale the slope angle of the bicycle respect to the vertical direction the goal of balancing a bicycle robot is achieved .

    以陀螺仪作为 敏感传感器测量自行车的倾斜角度, 初步实现了无人驾驶自行车机器人的 范围稳定 控制