

  • The xenia effect value of oil genes was 0.30 . ( 2 ) The yield and 1000 kernel weight of male sterile hybrids were 10.1 % and 5.8 % higher than that of corresponding fertile hybrids respectively showing significant cytoplasmic effect .

    不育杂交种比同型可育杂交种的产量和千粒重平均提高 10.1%和5.8%,表现出显著的细胞质效应;

  • It shows that the general with high chestnut varieties as male parent or female parent their pollination and nut combination of the average node weight is higher the xenia effect is more significant . 4 .

    说明以一般配合高的板栗品种作为父本或母本,其授粉组合所结坚果的平均重量相对比较高,其 花粉 直感效应亦比较显著。

  • Kernel weight and grain moisture concentration at harvest were influential because of xenia effects and had universality its effects had affinity with pedigree of varieties .

    高赖 玉米收获时籽粒含水量与籽粒 性状 灰色关联分析 4 花粉 直感对粒重和籽粒含水量有一定影响,而且具有普遍性;其大小与品种的血缘来源有密切关系。

  • Results showed that the pollen xenia had obvious effect on fruit setting rate fruit weight soluble solids content titratable acidity and mature seeds . However there was no obvious effect on fruit shape index and edible part of fruit .

    结果表明:京白梨果实在坐果率、成熟种子数、单果重、可滴定酸、可溶性固形物等方面表现明显的 花粉 直感 现象,而在果形指数、可食用部分表现不明显。

  • The Effect of Xenia on the Starch of Common Maize Kernal

    花粉 直感对普通玉米子粒淀粉含量的影响

  • Both yield and quality of common maize grains are improved by crossing high oil maize as male parent and common maize as female parent due to maize heterosis and xenia .

    本文利用高油玉米的 花粉 直感 效应及与普通玉米杂交的杂种优势 效应,通过高 玉米与普通玉米杂交改善普通玉米的产量和品质。

  • The same father and different female parent after pollination found no consistent positive or negative effects to Xenia .

    而不同母本同一父授粉后,未发现一致的正向或负向 花粉 直感 效应

  • When carrying out reasonable intercropping in different genotypes maize we should take into account other traits while using xenia effects which would favor more increase in yield .

    不同基因型玉米进行间作时,在考虑利用 花粉 直感的同时 一定要兼顾其它性状的 搭配,才有利于产量的进一步提高。

  • Pollen xenia of ` GY115'had a significant effect of raising oil content on common maize but common varieties had different response to the raising effect . The highest raising effect reached 54.8 % .

    高油115花粉 直感对普通玉米含油量提高的效应明显,但不同品种的反应差异较大,最高可达548%。

  • Xenia effect of fat content in fruit seed weight and other indicators alone was no significant difference . 2 .

    花粉 直感效应在果实脂肪含量、种子单粒重等指标上差异不明显。

  • The main conclusion as follows : ( 1 ) The high-oil trait have xenia effects like quality traits .

    主要得出如下结论:(1)玉米高油基因存在类似质量性状的 花粉 直感效应。

  • Study on xenia effect on trace elements of Siraitia grosvenorii

    罗汉果微量元素的 花粉 直感效应研究

  • Effect of Xenia on Fruit Quality of Nectarine May fire Cultivar

    花粉 直感 现象对油桃五月火品质的影响

  • That indicated the rice red character genetic had the testa and fruit-cavity xenia .

    首次发现特种稻米色素遗传存在 花粉直感 效应,我们称为种皮果皮 直感 效应

  • There some difference of xenia between different varieties of chestnut pollen in the same female parent .

    不同品种的板栗花粉在同一母株上进行 授粉 花粉 直感 现象 强弱存在有一定的差异。

  • Effect of xenia on fruit quality of chestnut

    花粉 直感 效应对板栗果实品质的影响

  • Utilizing Genetic Markers Mixing Pollen to Estimate Heterosis Value and Xenia Effect Value of High Oil Corn

    用遗传标记混合花粉估计玉米杂交 当代优势和油 花粉 直感效应

  • Study on the Xenia Effect of High Oil Corn

    高油玉米 基因 花粉 直感效应的研究