


  • The complications caused by xenogenous transfusion become more and more in recent years . Among these complications Hepatitis and AIDS derived from the infection of virus have become a serious social problem .

    近年来, 异体输血引起的 相关并发症不断增多,其中病毒感染引发的肝炎、爱滋病等已成为严重的社会问题。

  • Comparison between composite grafting of xenogenous acellular dermal matrix and thickness autograft

    异体 异种脱细胞真皮与自体 复合移植的比较

  • Experimental observation of microencapsulated xenogenous thymocytes transplantation to systemic lupus erythematosus mice

    基因小鼠 胸腺细胞微囊移植治疗SLE的实验观察

  • C. No matter in the expression of CD1a CD80 CD86 and HLA-DR or in the function of stimulating xenogenous lymphocyte proliferation there was no difference between CD34 + stem cell DCs or monocyte DCs .

    不论在CD1a、CD80、CD86及HLA-DR的表达上,或是刺激 异体淋巴细胞增生的功能上,脐带血CD34~+细胞与单核细胞来源的DC都没有差别;

  • Although the increased proliferation of Schwann cells can improve the survival rate of nerval transplants immunological rejection still plays a decisive role on xenogenous nerve transplantation in tissue engineering .

    其增殖速度的提高可大大改善神经移植桥接体的存活率,但免疫排斥反应仍是影响 异体组织工程 神经移植成败的关键 所在

  • Correction of severe blepharoptosis with suspension by xenogenous scleral strip


  • Clinical study on repair of mandibular defect with Conbined xenogenous bone

    复合 异种骨修复下颌骨缺损的临床研究