tip wire

[tɪp waɪr][tip ˈwaiə]

[电] 尖塞线

  • The slot of bracket in experiment has no tip and torque wires was putted in center of the slot . Five kinds of wire and four states bring 20 combinations and every one is tested 10 times .

    托槽槽沟无转矩,无轴 倾角,弓丝处于槽沟的中央位置。由于有5种 ,分为4种状态,产生20种组合,每种组合测试10次。

  • The effect of tiny ball at wire tip on the successful rate of arc striking and the effect of the wire slow feeding on striking result are studied .

    研究了 焊丝小球对引弧成功率的影响;研究了慢送 对引弧效果的影响;

  • The rotary multi tip electrode process is possessed of higher CH4 conversion and higher C2 hydrocarbons single pass yield and higher energy efficiency than the plasma processes using fixed wire plate electrodes under the same conditions .

    在同样的条件下,此多 尖端旋转电极工艺比固定的 尖端-平板电极工艺具有较高的甲烷转化率、碳二烃单程收率以及较高的能量效率。

  • The result showed that it is in the period of droplet growth at the tip of welding wire that an electrochemically gained oxygen was produced in the case of direct current negative polarity whereas an electrochemically lost oxygen in positive polarity .

    结果表明,在 焊丝 末端熔滴生长阶段,直流反极性条件下存在电化学增氧,而直流正极性条件下则存在电化学脱氧。

  • The tip of a Teflon-coated platinum wire while immersed in a lipid solution is cut off with a scalpel ;

    包有聚四氟乙烯的铂 头部浸在类脂溶液里,用解剖刀把 顶部切开;