


  • Though they had some effect on regulating the security market a lot of problems still existed like unclearness of power of penalty insufficiency of enough penalty lack of judiciary intervene lack of complete penalty procedure low quality of tipstaff etc.

    但是,随着证券市场的 不断发展,在对 违法行为的处罚中存在着处罚权限模糊、处罚 力度不够、对处罚缺少司法介入、缺少健全的处罚程序、 执法 人员 执法素质欠缺等问题。

  • There are 276 questionnaires added with opinions or advices all of it could be sum up as 48 items and 14 pieces advices mostly related to city base construction trade administration appearance and environment of the city as well as supervise and tipstaff .

    提出意见和建议的问卷276份,综合归纳意见48条,建议14条,主要涉及基础设施、行业管理、市容环境、监督 执法

  • Secondly we should improve the working condition of forestry station and the welfare of tipstaff and solve the staff post and working outlay so as to consummate the forestry administration system .

    其次,应提高林业站的工作条件和职工福利 待遇妥善解决 木材检查站和林业站的人员 编制和工作经费等问题,进一步完善现有的林业行政管理体制。

  • Current Situation Analysis and Professional Cultivation Discussion of Health Tipstaff

    卫生 执法 人员现状分析及专业培养探讨

  • Here it means that the tipstaff in the process of executing the law adopt methods as corporal punishment corporal punishment in disguised form or spiritual torture to interrogate the interrogees so as to compel them to confess to committing crimes .

    刑讯逼供犯罪是指 执法 人员在查究违法犯罪过程中,对被追究者采用肉刑、变相肉刑或精神折磨等方法逼迫其供认违法犯罪的行为。

  • Scientific management is premises and base for culture high diathesis road tipstaff

    科学的管理是培养高素质 路政 队伍的前提和基础

  • Thus setting up a fleet of trained network tipstaff is of vital necessity in fighting against network crimes and protecting network security .

    尽快组建 的网络 执法 专门 队伍,对维护网络安全,有力 打击网络犯罪十分必要。

  • But in the concrete work injury cases tipstaff laborers and leaders in enterprises are easy to brought disputes because there are no clear explanation about the meaning of workplace .

    但在具体工伤 认定案件中,因为《 条例》对工作场所的含义没有 做出具体的解释, 所以 执法 人员、劳动者和企业负责人容易产生争议。