to a T


  • With little information about what was happening or what to do we found our way to a t station to head back to Cambridge .

    我们对发生了什么一无所知,也 知道该做什么,在这种情况下,我们走 站台乘着电车回到坎布里奇。

  • Net income however was up 13 per cent to a record T $ 107bn partly because of foreign exchange gains .

    然而,净利润增长13%, 达到 纪录的1070亿新 台币,在一定程度上得益于汇兑收益。

  • If a patient 's conditions are deteriorating making him unable to make a rational choice decisions t prolong or terminate life must be left to his family doctors and courts .

    如果一个病人的病情恶化,使他 无法 作出合理的选择, 那么就必须有其家属,医生和法庭来决定是否延长或终止其生命。

  • Fatigue Life Analysis to the Counter-Moment Beam on A 6000 t / h Bucket-Wheel Reclaimer


  • At last this method is applied to the fatigue design for a 300 t converter vessel tilting mechanism .

    文末给出本文方法在 300t转炉倾动机构疲劳设计中的应用。

  • Today they have gone to watch a singles game t the university .

    今天他们一起 参观了 单打乒乓 球赛

  • HTC expects volumes to increase by another 20 per cent over the next three months to reach 6.5m in the third quarter and for revenues to hit a record T $ 70bn ( US $ 2.2bn ) .

    宏达电预期,发货量在接下来的三个月期间将再增长20%,使第三季度的手机发货量达到650万部,而营收 达到 纪录的700亿元新 台币(合22亿美元)。

  • Julia is stationing photographers on the shores of the Aegean Sea not to attract Greek couples but to lure wealthy Taiwanese and Asian newlyweds to take up a T $ 98 four-day package .

    茱丽亚已开始在爱琴海海岸派驻摄影师,但不是为了吸引希腊的新婚夫妇,而是为了吸引台湾与亚洲其它地区富有的新人购买9.8万新 台币的四日服务套餐。

  • Objective To establish a method to purify T lymphocytes from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMCs ) using cotton column and compare its result with a nylon wool cotton column .

    目的 建立脱脂棉柱纯化人外周血 T淋巴细胞的方法,并与尼龙棉柱分离法进行比较。

  • He was unable to put his hands on a Model T Ford for the school play .


  • The surprise grant not only enabled Dad to finish A & T but to graduate first in his class .

    这笔意外的奖学金不仅是我的父亲 读完农业和 技术学院,而且毕业成绩名列榜首。

  • This study paved the way for choosing a reasonable assistant molecule with the synthetic peptide technique to establish a new method for localizing T cell epitopes on superantigens .

    本研究为今后选择合适的辅助分子与合成肽技术共同组建 有效的探找超抗原 T细胞表位的方法奠定了基础。

  • F. P. Ramsey discovered that when second-order logic is applied to a scien-tific theory ( T ) which contains a finite number of axioms the theoretical terms in T can be removed .

    F·P·Ramsey(拉姆西)发现,应用二阶逻辑 有有限数目公理的科学理论 T而言,T中的理论性词项可以被消除。

  • With a conveyor belt production line they cut the time taken to assemble a Ford Model T from 12 hours and 30 minutes in 1913 to just one hour and 33 minutes the following year .

    使用了皮带生产线之后,“他们 装配 辆福特(Ford)Model T汽车的时间从1913年的12小时30分钟缩短到了1914年的1小时33分钟。”

  • The differential difference equation described the optical bistability with delayed feedback is reduced to a difference equation with delayed time T + τ in the first-order approximation but to a multiple iterated equation in the higher-order approximation .

    在一阶近似下,描述延时反馈光学双稳性的差分&微分方程被简化 延时为 T+τ的等效延时差分方程,在进一步的近似下被简化为一个多重迭代方程。

  • A Study of TNT-induced Liver Injury to R a t

    硝基甲苯 大鼠肝脏损害的实验研究

  • So I 'm going to rewrite this as mu A pure temperature T at one bar .

    这重新写成,μ A,纯态,温度 T,一巴。

  • So up to now how to design a secure ( t n ) threshold undeniable signature scheme is remained an open problem .

    因此,到目前为止, 怎样设计 安全的( t,n)门限不可否认签名方案仍然是个公开问题。

  • The Application of the Super Sound Velocity Lance to a 120 t UHP-AC-EAF

    炉壁 超音速氧枪在120t UHP-AC-EAF上的应用

  • The nickname Big Fool fits you to a T ; you even failed to follow me .

    “大傻瓜”绰号 适合你 ,你连我说都会

  • Make sure that the number of bytes you add to a field or the number of fields you add to a record doesn ′ t exceed the maximum size for a replicated database .

    请确保添加到字段中的字节数和添加 记录中的字段数 没有超过复制数据库的最大限制。

  • Finally this text discusses tactics principle work method theory platform and content about constructing market economy socialist ideology try to a socialist ideology system which can t support the development of socialist market economy .

    最后,本文对市场经济条件下社会主义意识形态建设的策略原则、工作方法、理论平台和意识形态建设的内容进行了阐述, 力图建构起 建构支撑社会主义市场经济创新发展的社会主义意识 体系。

  • High speed casting and machine reliability led to a record of 19400 t of thin slabs produced at the second month of operation .

    由于其高速浇铸和高可靠性, 导致在投产2个月即 下生产194万 t薄板坯的记录。

  • In order to conduct VV A process and T E process effectively during M S full life cycle it is very necessary to discuss the relationship of M S VV A and T E.

    为了在MS全生命周期中有效地进行VV A过程和 TE过程,探讨MS、VVA、TE三者的关系是非常必要的。

  • To overcome these problems a ( t n ) multi-secret sharing scheme based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem and Lagrange Interpolation Formula was proposed which could adjust the threshold value of a secret dynamically .

    为了解决此问题,在基于离散对数难题和拉格朗日插值公式,提出了一个可动态调整门限值的( t,n)多秘密分享方案。

  • Numerical Simulation on Oxygen Stream Field of Coherent Jet Oxygen Lance and Application to a 70 t Arc Furnace


  • To add new methods to a particular class of type T it only needs to define static methods that accept type T as the first parameter .

    类型为 T的特定类添加新方法,只需定义 静态方法,它接受类型T作为第一个参数。