tissue short

[ˈtɪʃu ʃɔrt][ˈtisju: ʃɔ:t]

[医] 组织疗法

  • Some cells of the ground tissue began elongation at early dividing stage but short cells had no elongation and remained active metabolism .

    长细胞在增殖期开始 伸长细胞始终不伸长并一直保持活跃的生理代谢。

  • During the period of infection protozoon repeatedly at the intestinal mucosa tissue proliferation and capillary microvascular were cut cause massive hemorrhage at a short time become the leading cause of death .

    以E.tenella的致病性最强,在感染期间,原虫在肠粘膜 组织反复增殖,毛细血管和微血管被切断,造成 时间内大量出血,成为死亡的主要原因。

  • In the course of heavier degree hemorrhagic shock brain tissue damaged by short of the cerebral blood and short of oxygen supplying and in the treatment to hemorrhagic shock of PFC the protection effect to brain tissue is not effectively confirmed in experiment .

    在重度失血性休克过程中,脑 组织受到 缺血缺氧的损害,氟碳在纠正失血休克过程中对脑组织的保护作用,尚无实验有效证实。

  • In the Ganshu group fibrous connective tissue proliferation to form short intervals can be seen in the portal area and surrounding .

    肝俞组大鼠在汇管区及周围见纤维结缔 组织增生,可见 间隔形成。

  • Following a heart attack irregularly shaped sections of dead scar tissue may form in the heart and block the electrical flow or cause a short circuit .

    心肌梗死之后,梗死后形成的瘢痕 组织,会在心脏内形成不规则形状的切片,它将阻断正常电活动或者引起 短路

  • High concentration of HF ( 40 % ) could cause deep tissue necrosis within a short time and result in a fatal hypocalcemia within 24 hour even in the case of a small area injury .

    高浓度氢氟酸(40%) 时间内即可造成 皮肤的深层 坏死,较小面积烧伤在伤后24小时内即可造成致命性低钙而死亡。

  • Material science of a scaffold for tissue engineered bone : cytotoxicity of short rod shaped nano hydroxyapatite

    组织工程骨支架的材料学: 棒状纳米羟基磷灰石的细胞毒性检测

  • Black-blood techniques could show the cardiac anatomy morphologic structure and tissue specificity while white blood techniques mainly obtained information about cardiac function and myocardial wall motion . Short axis view and four-chamber view revealed lesions with satisfaction .

    黑血技术可显示心脏解剖、形态及 组织特性,白血技术主要了解心脏功能及心肌壁的运动, 轴面和四腔面显示病变较满意。

  • COPD-related tissue damage can also make it particularly difficult to expel air from the lungs which can make you feel short of breath .

    COPD相关的 组织损伤也能导致肺排气显著的障碍,从而使人感觉呼吸 短促

  • Results The blood supply of the distal and proximal partion of great and minor gastric curvature were came from right and left gastro-epiploic artery and right and left gastric artery respectively seeing in operation and the dyed time of gastric tissue was short .

    结果术中见左、右胃网膜动脉和左、右胃动脉分别为胃大、小弯近、远段相应区域提供血液,胃壁 组织染色时间很

  • Glioblastoma multiform ( GBM ) is a highly malignant lethal primary brain tumor . The therapeutic efficacy of surgery is not ideal because it infiltrates the surrounding normal tissue thus GBMs have also associated with poor prognosis and short life expectance .

    多形性胶质母细胞瘤( GBM)是一类具有高侵袭特点的原发性脑肿瘤,肿瘤组织常常入侵周围正常 组织,外科手段治疗效果不理想,术后常复发,患者预后差。

  • The rapid acceleration – deceleration forces of violent shaking can cause much more damage to brain tissue and blood vessels than a direct bump to the head caused by a short fall .

    猛烈摇晃时,迅猛加快&减慢产生的力量给脑 组织和血管带来的损害可能比 突然跌落直接撞击头部要严重得多。

  • Conclusion This method has the advantages of light damage to orbital tissue short operating time and good results .

    结论此手术方法眶内 组织损伤小,手术时间 ,效果满意。

  • Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Short Branch Type Li Hong Apple

    枝型苹果丽红的 组织培养与快速繁殖

  • Tissue and Enzyme Responses to Intramuscularly Implanted Xenogenic Natural Inorganic Bone Graft : A Short Term Study

    天然无机骨材料肌内 短期植入后的 组织 和酶学观察

  • The experiments of cutting grafting and tissue culturing showed that the grafting survival rate was more than 90 % through short sprout grafting in early summer .

    经扦插、嫁接、 组织培养繁殖试验结果表明:春末夏初采用 穗扦插繁殖,扦插成活率达90%以上。

  • The development of ground tissue in bamboo ( Phyllostachys edulis ) culms were systematically investigated with methods and technologies of cell biology . The marked differences between the long cell and the short cell were elucidated .

    利用细胞生物学研究方法,以毛竹( Phyllostachysedulis)为材料,对竹秆基本 组织细胞的分化和发育进行了系统的研究。

  • With 3D - GE sequence a thin continuous slice can be obtained with high signal - to - noise ratio high - resolution superior tissue contrast and short imaging time .

    3D-GE成像可作连续薄层扫描,具有高信噪比、高分辨率、良好的 组织对比及成像时间 优点

  • Three-dimensional anthropometrics research on craniofacial soft tissue of the young adults with skeletal class III long and short facial forms in Xi ′ an area

    西安地区骨性III类 长短 面型患者的三维测量研究

  • Brain is better than intermittent traction is due to persistent brain stretch every few minutes brain tissue has a short reperfusion cerebral ischemia is relatively light . 3 .

    间断性脑牵拉优于持续性脑牵拉是由于每隔数分钟,脑 组织短暂的再灌注,脑组织缺血相对较轻。

  • Conclusion VATS is characterized by safety and mild tissue injury in the operation and less pain fewer complications rapid recovery and short duration of hospitalization after the operation .

    结论该手术具有 创伤小、术后疼痛轻、并发症少、恢复快、住院时间 等优点。