Well-directed tittle-tattle may easily causes its victim to lose his or her livelihood .
针对性 很 强的聊天,很容易使受害者丢掉 饭碗。
In lesser hands Ms Nasar 's story might have degenerated into a series of pen portraits : tittle-tattle for the middlebrow .
如果 娜萨女士文笔稍差一些,这些故事就要成了一堆钢笔肖像 速写, 成了 关于一帮 知识 界 平庸人物的 杂淡。
He is the kind of man who would avoid becoming involved in tittle-tattle at all costs .
他是个 怕 惹是生非的人。
The reason that the art of tittle-tattle is dying out has nothing to do with us becoming nicer as we are surely just as horrible as they always were .
美[ˈtɪtlˌtætl]英[ˈtɪtl tætl]