title of property

[ˈtaɪtl ʌv ˈprɑpəti][ˈtaitl ɔv ˈprɔpəti]

[法] 财产所有权

  • The Change of Title to Realty Caused by the Earthquake : From the Perspective of Application of Related China 's Property Law Provisions

    论因地震引起的不动产 物权变动&以我国《 物权法》相关条文适用为视角

  • With the increasing number of disputes Title whether protect names of works how to protect names of works has became a research topic of intellectual property .

    随着作品 名称纠纷案件日益增多,是否保护作品名称、怎样保护作品名称成为知识 产权研究的一项课题。

  • Title insurance is an important system of the real property law in America .

    所有权保险是美国不动 法中一项重要的制度。

  • Real estate title insurance made after the relevant supporting measures the main character of the conversion from the registration of property rights to build the information base explanation .

    之后提出了房地产 产权保险的相关配套措施,主要从登记性质的转换、 产权信息库的构建作出说明。

  • Also known as title plant . An assemblage available to the public of information and documents relating to title to a particular property .

    面向大众的、对有关 物业 产权相关信息和文件的汇总。

  • This dialog box 's title will be the same as the name of the property you are editing .

    此对话框的 标题与您要编辑的 属性的名称相同。

  • Using a deed in lieu of foreclosure the bank claims the title and possession of the property back in full satisfaction of a debt usually on contract .

    用“代赎契” 称号和拥有债权银行的全部 财产回债务清偿,通常合同。

  • Both title and footer will be present in all pages of the property sheet .

    标题和页脚都将出现在 属性表的所有网页。

  • A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property .

    一种加速条款,要求在转让抵押 财产 所有权时,完全偿还抵押贷款余额。

  • A summary listing of the documents registered in the local land registry office and which affect title ( ownership ) of a particular property .

    一份罗列所有关系到某个 地产 产权、当地土地登记局登记的文件的总结。

  • Property Right of Relationship is More Important than Property Right of Title : An Analysis of Attributes of Property Rights Contracting between Corporation and Farmers

    关系性产权比权利性 产权更重要&公司和农户缔约的 产权属性分析

  • 3 the mortgagor shall give the building property title certificate to the mortgagee for safekeeping and the mortgagee shall make payment in accordance with the stipulations of the building property mortgage contract .

    三抵押人将《房产 权证书》交承押人收存,承押人按 房产抵押合同的规定付款。

  • A foreclosure order vests the title in the name of the mortgagee and extinguishes the interests of the mortgagor and all subsequent mortgagee : Conveyancing and Property Ordinance ( Cap219 ) s53 ( 2 ) .

    止赎令将 所有权转归予承按人,并终绝按揭人及所有其后承按人的权益:《物业转易及 财产条例》(第219章)第53(2)条。

  • < title > On Jurisdiction of Infringing Case of Knowledge Property Right of Internet

    互联网知识 产权侵权案之管辖

  • Title Retention Publicity and Acquisition in Good Faith Alteration of Property Rights and System of Announcement

    所有权保留、公示与善意取得 物权变动与公示制度

  • At the same time sale will create 2 different types of title : legal and equitable . This distinction is important in risks bearing of loss in the period of contract and in property transferring if one party dies .

    同时买卖还会产生 普通法所有权和衡平法 所有权的区分,这个区分在买卖合同期间 标的 意外灭失的风险负担 当事人一方死亡时的 财产移转规则中具有重要意义。

  • Loss of entitlement to return transportation As a document of title the bill of lading may lose its property title .

    回程交通权利的丧失作为一份 物权 凭证,提单的物权效力是可能丧失的。

  • A right or entitlement which forms part of the ownership of a property and which passes to a new owner when title passes ( i.e.an easement or right of way over another property ) .

    构成物业部分所有权,随 产权一同转移给新所有人的权力。

  • Then it could react on the content complete event ( page finished loading ) and publish the title of the current page to the property broker .

    随后,它可以响应内容完成事件(页面完成加载)并将当前页面的 标题发布到 属性代理。

  • The paper mainly introduces the retention of title of the object scope is movable property real estate shall not apply to the retention of title system .

    文章主要介绍 所有权保留的客体范围仅限于动 ,不动产不适用所有权保留。

  • A statement of a lawyer 's conclusions with regard to the state of the legal title of a property issued after the lawyer has completed the appropriate investigations of title .

    在律师对 产权进行适当调查后,做出的关于 物业产权状态的结论声明。

  • In order to perfect our country 's trust supervision system we should rebuild our trust concepts understand the essential characteristics of passing of title of trust property definitely perfect trust legislation and speed up the construction of the trust law system .

    要完善我国信托监管体制,必须重塑信托理念,在法律层面上明确认识信托 财产 所有权转移的本质特点,完善信托立法,加强信托法律体系的构建进度。

  • First out of range of the object retention of title including movable and immovable property should also be excluded ownership to retain the scope of the movable property to a certain limit intangible property currency depleting substances animal exclusion .

    所有权保留的客体范围包括动产和不动产,同时还应该以排除的方式对所有权保留动 的范围进行一定的限定,将无形财产、货币、消耗物、动物排除在外。

  • The argumentation of this paper is that the title of the bill of lading held by the legal holder has the nature of the property title in accordance with the legal characteristics of the property title .

    本人以为,合法的提单持有人享有的提单 权利符合物权的法律特征,具有 物权

  • Set the title of the property sheet type

    设置 属性表类型的 标题

  • The results show that the performance of the title coatings is improved greatly in terms of sealing property adhesion high build property and salt fog resistance ( 1 524 h ) when 8 % iron oxide / tianium dioxide compound pigment is used .

    结果表明,当选用纳米 性复合铁钛防锈颜料,用量为8%,涂料的PVC值为42%时,可较大幅度地改善环氧 富锌涂料的密封 、附着力、厚涂性,耐盐雾腐蚀可达1542h。

  • This title researched the influence of different anionic nonionic surfactants and their synergistic effect on crease resistance and level dyeing property of cotton knits dyed with reactive dyes .

    研究了以长链磺酸盐和 硫酸酯盐类阴离子表面活性剂为主要成分的阴非离子表面活性剂及其协同效应对筒状纯棉针织物染色过程中抗折皱性、 匀染 的影响。

  • If the configuration type supports only one property the title of this wizard page is select target property .

    如果配置类型只支持一个属性,则此向导页的 标题是“选择目标 属性”。