


  • But with sister ethel 's tireless work and community support the missionvale care center has expanded .

    但是自从有了伊 莎尔修女不屈不挠的服务及社区支持之后,布道谷保健中心已经扩大。

  • She has been a tireless leader and organizer a stellar scholar and an inspiring teacher .

    她在学术上是位 孜孜不倦的领导者、织者,更是耀眼的学者与启发人心的导师。

  • They are tireless in thinking up initiatives .

    他们 不厌其烦 想出种种采取主动行为的倡议。

  • He is a tireless worker .

    他是个工作 起来 孜孜不倦的人。

  • The customer 's satisfaction and smile is our tireless pursuit .

    客户的满意与微笑是我们 孜孜不倦的追求。

  • He is a tireless fighter against racism .

    他是一位 不屈不挠的反种族歧视的斗士。

  • We love robots tireless productive workhorses of the modern assembly line .

    我们爱机器人它们 不知 疲倦、生产率高,在现代化的流水线上干着粗活重活。

  • He was above all a good and tireless writer .

    他首先是一位优秀的、 不知 疲倦的作家。

  • With her tireless crusade for women 's equality in sports Billie Jean King greatly leveled the playing field .

    比利·简·金 不懈从事争取女性体育平等的改革运动,大大促进了竞技场上的女性平等。

  • Be insatiable in learning and tireless in teaching .

    学而不厌, 诲人不倦

  • The prisoner 's family is conducting a tireless campaign for his release .

    这个囚犯的家人为了他能得到释放正 坚持不懈 活动着。

  • Mr Zulu is a dynamic and tireless advocate on behalf of people co-infected with TB and HIV .

    Zulu先生是一位充满活力和 不屈不挠的结核病和艾滋病毒合并感染者利益代言人。

  • Our attitude towards ourselves should be “ to be insatiable in learning ” and towards others “ to be tireless in teaching ” .

    对自己,“学而不厌”,对人家,“ 诲人不倦”,我们应取这种态度。

  • Where the tiller is tireless the land is fertile .


  • Agents and publishers are tireless in their search for unknown talent .

    文学 经济人和出版商无时不在发掘 有才无名的作家。

  • Thanks to your tireless efforts on our behalf .

    多亏你 我们所 不懈努力。

  • Capacity from the tireless fight .

    能力来自 孜孜不倦 奋斗。

  • We salute you for your tireless efforts for peace .

    我们为您在寻求和平方面 做出 不懈努力向您表示敬意。

  • Their toils and tireless courage were our salvation .

    他们艰苦的工作和 不倦的勇气拯救了我们。

  • They were likewise welcome because all pilots are tireless talkers when gathered together .

    他们也受欢迎,因为所有的掌舵者每逢聚在一起的时候,个个都 健谈

  • An indefatigable advocate of equal rights ; a tireless worker ; unflagging pursuit of excellence .

    不知疲倦的权利平等倡导者; 不知 疲倦的工人;不懈的追求优秀。

  • The police have been tireless in their search for the child 's killer .

    警察一直 坚持不懈 搜寻着杀害这个孩子的凶手。

  • He was a tireless worker for justice .

    他是个为了正义 不知 疲倦 工作的人。

  • I am very grateful for your tireless efforts .

    我非常感谢您 不知 疲倦的努力。

  • Through her tireless hard work for about three months the old man regained hope for the good life .

    通过她近三个月 孜孜不倦的辛勤工作,老人重新恢复了对美好生活的向往。

  • Tony is a tireless worker .

    托尼是一个工作 孜孜不倦的人。

  • Thanks in large measure to your tireless efforts we have created a more open competitive yahoo !

    感谢你们的 不懈努力,我们创造了一个更开放、更有竞争力的雅虎。

  • Both were tireless workers and exacting bosses .

    两个人都是 孜孜不倦的实干家和要求严格的上司。