tip side

[tɪp saɪd][tip said]


  • The root tip grew towards the high calcium ( Ca 2 + ) side of horizontally seedlings in gravity field ;

    在重力场上水平放置的幼苗其 根尖向高钙(Ca2+) 一侧弯曲生长;

  • The nozzle ( 52 ) of a syringe ( 50 ) is inserted into a recessed part ( 122 ) formed at the tip part ( 121 ) of the side filling tube part and a saline is filled therein for flushing .

    在形成于 注管部的 前端部(121)上的凹部(122)中插入注射器(50)的喷嘴(52)并注入生理盐水,从而进行冲洗。

  • When a weapon made with a DU tip strikes a solid object like the side of a tank it goes straight through it then erupts in a burning cloud of vapor .

    以贫铀为 尖顶的武器打击诸如坦克 侧面的固体物体时,它直接穿透,随后在灼热的蒸汽云中爆裂。

  • The wheels she uses as front legs took some getting used to and at first the tiny lap dog would tip over to one side .

    适应这两条新“长”出来的“滑轮腿”很花了“希望”一段时间,刚开始时,她总是不由自主地向 一侧 倾斜

  • The sensation of the plantar side of the toe tip before transplantation and the palmar side of the contralateral corresponding normal fingertip was measured .

    再造组行健侧趾 感觉功能测量,再植组行健 指尖感觉功能测量。

  • Using the tip as a pivot raise and lower the blade in a chopping motion moving it from side to side to mince everything evenly .

    刀背 顶端为轴,上下移动刀刃,从 一边慢慢移到另一边,然后把菜很均匀地切碎。

  • Head car tip of maximum pressure changes pressure changes along the front to the rear of the direction gradually decreasing and train wall is mainly affected by negative pressure when the side window failure occurs it will be sucked out .

    头车 鼻尖 的压力变化最大,沿车头至车尾方向压力变化逐渐递减,且列车侧壁主要受负压的影响,当 窗发生破坏时玻璃碎片将会被吸出。

  • Stress Observation and Analysis of the Soil Mass around Pile Tip - side

    桩周 土体的应力观测及分析

  • Economies can tip into crisis fund managers can switch their investments at the click of a button and executives can relocate to the other side of the world but it takes a lot more to topple the global language .

    经济体可能 陷入危机,基金经理可能点击按钮来改变投资,高管们可能搬到地球的另 一边去办公,但要想颠覆这种全球性的语言,难度要大得多。

  • By comparison of the properties of the free body taken pile surface with those from the pile tip it is quite obvious that many factors like soil layer strength at pile tip pile length and pile diameter will all have substantial influence on pile side frictional resistance .

    沿桩 周处取脱离体与在桩底处取脱离体进行比较,就可明显看出,桩底土的强度、桩的长度及桩径粗细均对桩的 阻力有较大的影响。

  • In partly-ducted axial flow fan system with bellmouth blade tip vortex formed at blade leading edge is generated by pressure gradient between suction side and pressure side it develops downstream and into flow passages as blades rotate .

    含导风罩的部分管道式轴流风扇系统,在叶轮前缘由于吸力 和压力面压差产生 叶尖涡,随叶轮旋转往下游和流道内部发展。

  • TheOriental Pearl Tower is located at the tip of Lujiazui in the Pudongdistrict by the side of Huangpu River opposite The Bund of Shanghai .

    东方明珠塔位于 冰山在浦东陆家嘴地区,由黄浦江 一侧,对面的上海外滩。

  • When inner side reinforcing steel bar of tip and bottom pipe were pulled outer side were pressed .

    和管底的内侧钢筋受拉, 外侧钢筋受压;

  • We can see there is a taller mountain in middle of the picture one rope crossing tip of the mountain and tie two climbers at each side of it .

    我们从图中可以看到画面中间有一座高山,一条绳子穿过山的 顶端,绳子 两头系着两个爬山的人。

  • Different conservation temperatures will cause different growth rate of pile tip stress and pile side frictional resistance .

    不同的养护温度造成了不同的桩 应力增长速度和桩 摩阻力增长速度。

  • The experimental results show that in the zero incidence angle and the blade tip clearance for 1.0 % H ( that is the blade tip clearance for 1 % blade height ) conditions the blade with suction side tip winglet improves the aerodynamic performance obviously .

    实验结果表明,在O°冲角、叶顶间隙为1.0%H(即叶 间隙为1%叶片高度)工况下,带有吸力 叶尖小翼的叶型改善叶栅气动性能效果最为明显。

  • One of the tool tips is in contact with a projection in the notch and the other one is in contact with the adjacent tool tip and the lateral side of the notch for the positioning .

    有一个刀尖与缺口内的凸台相接触,另有一个与其相邻的 刀尖与缺口 侧面相接触,起到定位的作用。

  • Tip : Be macho if you want to play the field but find your sensitive side if you 're looking for true love .

    小贴士:如果你不专一,就要有男人汉气概;如果你想寻找真爱就会发现自己敏感的 一面

  • The tip of the iron should be slid under the seam to prevent any seam impressions on the right side .

    为了防止正在正面留下缝的压痕,熨斗 应在缝份 正面滑动。

  • ⅲ region is tip leakage flow that direction of blade flange clearance turn to suction side ;

    Ⅲ区为叶片轮缘 中间泄漏流动的流动方向转向 背面

  • Slightly tip his head toward you and apply light pressure to his side .

    稍微 他的头拉向你,然后在他的 一侧使用一些压力。

  • Tip # 5 : Think through ways to side step the salary question .

    技巧五:想好如何 规避有关薪资的问题。

  • The effect of properties of graphite electrode on its tip side and mechanical consumptions in steelmaking was analyzed . It is found that the consumptions are mainly influenced by electrical resistivity mechanical strength and bulk density of graphite electrode .

    本文就炼钢过程中石墨电极的质量对电极 和机械消耗的影响进行了分析,认为影响电极消耗的主要性能是电阻率、机械强度和体积密度。

  • The pile bottom settlings and pile side slurry cakes generate physiochemical reaction with the injected slurry and then are solidified thus remarkably increasing unit pile tip and side resistance and showing solidification effect .

    桩底沉淤和桩侧泥皮与注入的浆液发生物理化学反应而固化,使单位 阻力和 阻力显著提高,显示固化效应。

  • Repair of the soft-tissue defects of the finger tip with retrograde flap of finger side

    逆行指 侧方筋膜皮瓣修复指 软组织缺损

  • In comparison with these of the straight cascade the blade positively curving reduces the quantity of the critical points eliminates the upper passage vortex and transform the closed separated flow of the secondary vortex along the blade tip suction side into the open separated flow .

    与直叶栅比较,叶片正弯明显减少了壁面与横截面流场中奇点的数量,消除了上通道涡,并使叶 吸力 的二次涡分离流动由闭式分离转变为开式分离。

  • In this tip I focus on the server side .

    在本 技巧中,我把重点放在了服务器

  • Results of analyses indicate that for the different base strata the scales of tip resistance and side resistance are different but the behaviors are same ;

    结果表明:桩底地层不同时, 阻力和 阻力的比例不同,但承载性状仍属 摩擦

  • Under the use state the tip of the pinhead is higher than the side of the pin and under the non-use state the blunt side of the pinhead is slighter than the side of the pin .

    在使用状态,插针头的 尖端稍高于 插针的末端,而在不使用状态,插针头的钝端也稍高于插针的末端。