

n.〈英〉小炉匠,补锅匠,修补匠,补锅,修补拙劣的工人,粗劣的修补〈美〉杂活工人,打杂工 4。吉卜赛人,流浪工人,流浪者<美>小鲭鱼



  • As you can see there are many important variables to tinker with .

    正如你看到的,有许多重要的变量可以 修修补补

  • it 's here in this sack the tinker replied .

    “在这口袋子里。” 炉匠回答。

  • Tinker 's Cluster Rockets have a slightly increased range and AOE .

    修补 的集束火箭稍微加大了施法范围和AOE。

  • Relieved to have found his help the Sheriff gave the tinker the warrant .

    郡长因为找到愿意帮他的人而松了一口气,把逮捕状给了 炉匠

  • Tom Hyde the tinker standing on the gallows was asked if he had anything to say .

    补锅 汤姆·海德站在断头台上,问他有什么话要说。

  • You little tinker ! Look at the mess you 've made !

    你这个小 淘气!瞧你弄得乱七八糟的!

  • He likes to tinker with watches .

    他最爱 手表。

  • So once we are sure the experiments are valid we begin to tinker with the theory .

    因此一旦我们确信实验是有效的,我们开始 修补该理论。

  • Tinker Taylor drank off his glass and departed .

    补锅 泰勒把他那杯酒喝完了就起身走了。

  • It is not enough to tinker at the edges ; our objective must be to reconstruct the entire system .

    只在外缘 一些 小修 是不够的,我们的目标必须是重建整个系统。

  • This is Tinker Bell !

    这是 叮当

  • But Tinker Bell can be nice .


  • We 'll get you cleaned up you dirty little tinker .

    把你清洗干净,你这肮脏 小鬼

  • They tinkered with the engine

    他们 发动机

  • As I always advise now it is time to tinker .

    正如我一直建议的,现在应该进行 一些 修补工作。

  • Please don 't tinker with my car engine .

    请不要 我的汽车发动机。

  • But maybe my brain will tinker some new features .

    但也许我脑袋里也会 更新一点新的特性。

  • He will keep the famous Swedish model but Tinker a little at the edges .

    他会维持著名的瑞典模式,只对其边缘 部分 修改

  • You won 't laugh when the Sheriff has you . the tinker called .

    等郡长逮到你,你就笑不出来了。 炉匠叫道。

  • Give my husband an old motorbike to tinker with and he 's as happy as the day is long .

    给我丈夫一辆老式摩托车 鼓捣,他会很高兴的。

  • I just want to have a tinker with my car .


  • The source code for the mail example and the previous example are available for you to tinker with .

    您可以获得邮件示例和先前示例的源代码 进行 修改

  • Instead of the Government admitting its error it just tinkered with the problem

    政府没有承认错误,只是 敷衍了事 处理问题

  • Also note that when you tinker you don 't need to change the PHP code at all .

    并且,请注意当进行 修补时,根本无需更改PHP代码。

  • If I had the money I 'd go down to tinker 's falls and open a swell shoe store .

    我有了钱,就到 廷克瀑布 一带,开一家象样的鞋店。

  • It has already proved possible to tinker with this genetic inheritance with startling results .

    事实已经证明可能对这种基因遗传 进行 修补,并产生了令人吃惊的结果。

  • He likes to tinker with radios .

    他最爱 鼓捣收音机。

  • This make of starter-motor has a good reputation but every so often you get one that just won 't function properly however much you tinker with it .

    这种启动马达声誉不错,但是人们不时也会遇到运转不正常的机器,无论你 怎么 调整都没用。