


  • The Image Analysis of Xanthomatosis in 19 Cases

    19例 黄色 影像分析

  • Type ⅲ hyperlipoproteinemia xanthomatosis : a case report

    高脂蛋白血症Ⅲ型 黄瘤 一例报告

  • Analysis of 32 Cases of Gastric Xanthomatosis

    32例胃 黄色 分析

  • Results : All the patients presented with macrothrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia six of them also had xanthomatosis and one patient exclusively showed hematologic abnormalities .

    结果:7例患者均有巨大血小板减少和溶血性贫血的表现,其中6例伴有皮肤黄褐 ,1例仅有血液系统的改变。

  • Two Cases of Xanthomatosis with Familial Hypercholesterolemia

    家族性高胆固醇血症 黄瘤 2例

  • Dystrophic xanthomatosis in primary CD-30-positive cutaneous T-cell lymphoma : Report of two cases and review of the literature

    原发性CD30~+皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤伴发营养不良性 黄瘤 :2例报道及文献回顾

  • Evaluation of lid xanthomatosis treated with co_2 laser and excision operation

    激光与手术切除治疗睑 黄瘤 疗效评价