tin ear

[tɪn ɪr][tin iə]


  • Whitman 's campaign failings have shown her to have a relatively tin ear for California 's electorate .

    怀特门竞选失败说明她对加州的选民(诉求) 敏感

  • Paul has a tin ear so he keeps still when the rest of the class sings .

    保罗毫无 乐感,所以班上其他人唱歌时他一声不吭。

  • In recent years some problems have appeared in the coal supply chain such as continuous increasing of inventory unbalance supply and demand and the tin ear for the customer requirements .

    近年来,煤炭供应链出现了库存增加、供求不平衡、对顾客需求 反应 迟钝等问题。

  • Even those of us with a tin ear can recognize a waltz .

    我们这些没有 乐感 也能听得出什么是华尔兹。

  • Yet the tin ear China showed for the suffering of its neighbors is even more important .

    听觉 愚钝的中国表现出似乎他自己邻居的麻烦(相对海啸)更加重要些。

  • This latest outbreak of unseemly penny-pinching is symptomatic of a governmental tin ear when it comes to the armed forces .

    近期这一连串不体面的吝啬举动充分表明政府对军队 漠不关心

  • The tin bronze is the main lining materials as tank cage and ear in mine wears seriously in application .

    青铜是矿井中作为罐笼罐 内衬套的主要材料,使用时磨损严重。

  • He also likes to sing karaoke but he also has a tin ear .

    他也喜欢唱 卡拉ok,但是他不会唱。

  • Business has a tin ear for language . keen dull w_249 sense of smell

    商业对语言文字本来就感觉 鲁钝。敏锐迟钝w_265的嗅觉

  • Beyond the tin ear however is American policy really as malign muddle ? Headed and incompetent as its critics say ?

    然而,除了不受 欢迎 ,美国政策确实像那些批评所说的那样邪恶、乱和没能力吗?