tidal volume

[ˈtaɪdl ˈvɑljum][ˈtaɪdl ˈvɔlju:m]


  • The Effect of the Changes in Lung Compliance and Airway Resistance on Tidal Volume and Airway Pressure in Different Ventilators

    肺顺应性和阻力变化对不同切换方式下 气量和气道压力的影响

  • The Geographical Distribution of the Normal Reference Value of Tidal Volume ( VT ) of Chinese Adults

    中国成年人 潮气 正常参考值与地理因素的关系

  • Effect of Lung Local Hypothermia with Low Tidal Volume Ventilation on Arterial Blood Gas of Dogs with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

    肺局部低温 小潮 气量通气对急性呼吸窘迫综合征犬动脉血气分析的影响

  • Dead space / tidal volume ratio change during exercise in patients with COPD

    慢性阻塞性肺病患者运动中生理死腔与 潮气 比值变化

  • Comparison of recruitment maneuvers and low tidal volume A / C ventilation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome Effect of Low Tidal Volume One-lung Ventilation Plus Positive End-Expiratory Pressure

    肺复张手法与单纯 小潮 气量机械通气治疗急性呼吸窘迫综合征低潮气量单肺通气复合呼气末正压用于开胸术患者的效果

  • The Geographical Distribution Rule of Tidal Volume for Males Aged 17 to 60

    17-60岁男性 潮气 参考值的地理分布规律

  • Objective To compare the clinical value of bigger tidal volume ( BVT ) conventional tidal volume ( CVT ) and smaller tidal volume ( SVT ) in patients with atelectasis during continuous positive pressure mechanical ventilation .

    目的对比研究较大 潮气 (BVT)、常规潮气量(CVT)和较小潮气量(SVT)持续正压机械通气在肺不张病人中的临床应用价值。

  • Epinephrine increases respiratory rate and tidal volume and thereby reduces alveolar carbon dioxide content in normal subjects .

    肾上腺素增加呼吸频率和 潮气 ,故可降低正常人的肺泡?趾0量。

  • Objective To probe the pathologic changes of lung tissue under different tidal volume ventilation .

    目的探讨不同 潮气 机械通气大鼠肺组织的病理学变化。

  • Effect of Mechanical Ventilation with Low Tidal Volume on the Pulmonary Function of Neurosurgical Patients after Operation

    小潮 气量机械通气对神经外科病人术后肺功能的影响

  • Objective To study the influence of the different tidal volume on hemodynamics pulmonary mechanics and lung injury during mechanical ventilation in patients .

    目的探讨急性肺损伤患者使用呼吸机时,不同的 潮气 对患者的血液动力学、肺通气和肺力学的影响。

  • If they have respiratory failure and are unable to take adequate tidal volume the ventilator can deliver a preselected tidal volume and respiratory rate .

    如果病人呼吸衰竭 潮气 不足,呼吸机就可以按预先设置的潮气量和呼吸率进行输送。

  • Effect of Low Tidal Volume One-lung Ventilation Plus Positive End-Expiratory Pressure

    低潮 气量单肺通气复合呼气末正压用于开胸术患者的效果

  • Tidal volume should be set at about 6ml / kg during mechanical ventilation .

    在机械通气过程中应设置 潮气 于6ml/kg左右。

  • Results : Negative pressure ventilation produced an increase in tidal volume and no influence on hemodynamic parameters .

    结果:间歇负压通气能够增加实验 潮气 ,但对血流动力学无影响。

  • The changes in O2 and CO2 pressure under different tidal volume and operation related time were investigated .

    记录两组手术相关时间及TTS组在不同 潮气 时氧分压和二氧化碳分压的改变。

  • Natural factors include water dynamic changes in coastal regions river sediment tidal volume reduction biological invasions caused by the reclamation biological invasion and so on meanwhile the interfere with human factors and economic factors .

    自然因素主要有滨海地区水动力变化、入海河流的泥沙淤积、围垦造陆引起的海湾 减少、生物入侵等。同时也有人为因素和经济因素的干扰。

  • Pulmonary function tests CO diffusing capacity tidal volume and lung volume decreased .

    肺功能检查CO弥散量、 潮气 和肺总量下降。

  • Tidal volume was measured at 5 10 15 20 min after the start of ventilation .

    人工通气后5、10、15、20min测定动物 潮气

  • Tidal volume was 8ml / kg of all the groups .

    5个组 潮气 均为8ml/kg。

  • Establishment of Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury Model after High Tidal Volume Ventilation in Dogs with Acute Lung Injury

    大潮 气量致急性肺损伤犬呼吸机相关性肺损伤模型的构建

  • The Effect of Respiratory Frequency Change on Tidal Volume and Minute Volume during One-lung Ventilation

    单肺通气时改变呼吸频率对 潮气 和每分钟通气量的影响

  • Effect of tidal volume setting on the accuracy of partial CO_2 rebreathing technique for cardiac output monitoring by animal experiment

    潮气 设置对部分二氧化碳重复吸入心输出量测定准确性影响的动物实验研究

  • Conclusions : 1 . The low tidal volume ventilation has protective effects on the oleic acid-induced acute lung injury .

    结论:1、 小潮 气量通气对肺组织有保护作用。

  • Conclusions Low tidal volume ventilation has no distinct effects on normal lung tissue .

    结论 小潮 气量通气对正常肺组织结构无明显影响。

  • The increment of tidal volume was mainly contributed to the prolongation of inspiratory time .

    吸气流速无明显变化, 潮气 增加主要由于吸气时间延长所致;

  • Ratio of physiological dead space to tidal volume

    生理无效腔占 气量比值

  • Calculation of Inspiratory Tidal Volume of Datex Ohmeda 7100 Anesthetic Machine

    DatexOhmeda7100型麻醉机吸入 潮气 的计算

  • Effect of one-lung ventilation with different tidal volume on the hemodynamics of esophageal cancer patients with radical mastectomy

    单肺通气时不同 潮气 对食道癌根治术患者血流动力学的影响