


  • Titan mode changes the control points to missile silos .


  • Titan the son of Gaea and Uranus and the fathter of Helios Selene Eos .


  • On Titan methane forms clouds and maybe even rain .

    土卫 上,甲烷可以形成云甚至降雨。

  • Are methane and ethane mixed together in hydrocarbon lakes or seas on Titan 's surface ?

    甲烷和乙烷是否共存于 土卫 表面的湖泊或海洋中?

  • Gaia : You know of the mighty Titan Cronos .

    盖亚:你知道强大的 泰坦克罗诺斯。

  • Other information sent back by Voyager One showed that Titan 's atmosphere is mainly nitrogen .

    旅行者1号发回的其它信息表明, 土卫 的大气中的气体主要是氮气。

  • The liquids are probably a combination of methane and ethane given the conditions on Titan and the abundance of methane and ethane gases and clouds in Titan 's atmosphere .


  • Because Titan is Saturn 's largest moon it held special interest for us .

    由于 土卫 是最大的卫星,因此我们对它特别感兴趣。

  • Astronomers were not sure if Titan 's atmosphere contained the elements necessary for life .

    天文学家无法断定 土卫 的大气层中是否含有生命存在的必要元素。

  • The binding reaction of the dye titan yellow with proteins have been studied .

    研究了 达旦黄与蛋白质的结合反应。

  • From the outside she looked like a conquering titan .

    从外界看来,她像是一个征服的 泰坦 巨人

  • The parachuting probe hit the surface of Titan at about 10 miles per hour .

    这个降落伞式探测器以每小时10英里的速度击中 泰坦表面。

  • Scientists from NASA have found evidence of life on Saturn 's biggest moon Titan .

    美国宇航局(NASA)的科学家日前 宣称,最新证据表明,土星的最大卫星 泰坦存在生命迹象。

  • the titans of Renaissance literature : Spenser Shakespeare Donne and Milton .

    文艺复兴时期的文学 巨擘:斯宾塞、莎士比亚、多恩与弥尔顿

  • Cassini 's radar instrument imaged several very dark features near titan 's North pole .

    “卡西尼”的雷达设备描绘了“ 泰坦 北极附近的一些非常暗的特征。

  • As a result Titan contracted and the overlying icy crust sagged and wrinkled up like a giant prune .

    结果, 土卫 发生了收缩,冰冷的外壳发生凹陷、起皱,犹如一个巨大的西梅干。

  • This Cassini radar image shows two lakes kissing each other on the surface of Saturn 's moon Titan .

    这张卡西尼雷达图片显示 泰坦表面上的两个湖正在互相接吻。

  • Cronus : A Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus .

    克洛诺斯: 泰坦 ,在被他独生子宙斯废黜前一直统治着宇宙。

  • The spacecraft was scheduled to fly past Saturn 's largest moon Titan on11 November .

    卡西尼号本预计于11月11日飞过土星最大的卫星& 泰坦

  • Dell the corporate titan is also Dell the love-struck husband and father of four .

    戴尔是公司的 巨人,而戴尔也是充满爱心的丈夫和四个孩子的父亲。

  • Titan Arum is coveted by collectors and plant enthusiasts around the world because of its strange blooming patterns .


  • In this paper the trajectories of ions born in Titan 's exosphere are simulated through a simple model .

    本文将通过一个简单的模型来模拟在 土卫 外逸层中产生的离子轨迹。

  • Clotho weaves thread of life for every mortal god and titan .

    克洛索为每个凡人、灵和 泰坦纺织生命线。

  • Second we reduced the hit penalty on special attacks on Titan 's Grip from-12 % to-5 % .

    其次,我们减少了 泰坦之握的惩罚,特殊攻击的命中惩罚从12%降低到5%。

  • First stop on the list of potential destinations for a balloon is Saturn 's biggest moon Titan .

    列表上气球的第一个潜在的目的地是土星最大的卫星 泰坦

  • Scientists have long conjectured that oceans of liquid methane exist on Titan .

    科学家一直猜想 土卫 上存在着由液态甲烷构成的海洋。

  • Can Titan return to the inn by ten ?


  • This methane really plays the same big role on Titan as water does on Earth .

    液态 甲烷确实和水有着同样大的作用。

  • Titan : Are you in a rocket ?
