to a certain degree

[tu e ˈsɚtn dɪˈɡri][tu: ə ˈsə:tn diˈɡri:]


  • Moreover their behaviour can be examined plotted and to a certain degree predicted .

    此外,他们的行为可以进行研究、标绘,甚至 某种 程度上可以预测。

  • So this method can reduce the diesel consumption of the car to a certain degree .

    这种方法 一定 程度上能缓解柴油汽车 石油资源的消耗。

  • Specific immunity may be inherited to a certain degree .

    特异性免疫 一定 程度上是可以遗传的。

  • To a certain degree Kobe 's teammates are encouraging his habits .

    某种 程度,科比的队友对他的这种性习持鼓励态度。

  • To a certain degree he 's right .

    某种 程度而言,他是对的。

  • The latter activities control to a certain degree the life-span of the dam structure .

    一定 程度上,维修维护工程控制了大坝结构的使用年限。

  • To a certain degree he likes his job .

    某种 程度上他喜欢他的工作。

  • It is to a certain degree his responsibility to see that the job is done .

    一定 程度上,做好这项工作是他的职责。

  • The new contract law of China adopted it to a certain degree .

    我国新合同法 一定 程度上采用了该制度。

  • They can be trusted to a certain degree .

    对他们能信任 一定 程度

  • At present the rules of the Challenge System in our Criminal Procedure Law are general and fuzzy to a certain degree and dissimilation also occurs in the practice .

    目前我国刑事诉讼法中有关回避制度的规定存在 一定的概括性和模糊性,实务中也出现异化现象。

  • The chairman agree with me to a certain degree .

    主席 某种 程度上同意我的意见。

  • The combination of DCG with treadmill exercise test can raise detection rate of CHD to a certain degree .

    动态心电图结合活动平板试验可 一定 程度上提高冠心病的检出率;

  • This article describes the status of research of artificial bile duct and the artificial bile duct research to a certain degree of interpretation and prediction .

    本文介绍了人工胆管的研究现状,并对人工胆管的研究方向进行 一定 程度的解读和预测。

  • All elastic materials possess this property to a certain degree .

    所有弹性材料 一定 程度上都具有这种特性。

  • To a certain degree it was the reappearance of the utopian crop field I mentioned earlier .

    一定 程度上,这是我前面提到过的乌托邦式田园的再现。