


  • Slote was chewing on his cold pipe during the minister 's tirade .

    公使 发表 长篇宏论的时候,斯鲁特一直咬着他那熄了火的烟斗。

  • He too has met a tirade of abuse .

    他也遭到了 长篇累牍的谩骂攻击。

  • The article begins with a self-pitying and disgruntled tirade about his talent having gone unnoticed .

    文章以 长篇议论开始,诉说自己怀才不遇、顾影自怜和 满腹牢骚

  • Last week Chunky 's human went into a violent tirade at another dog walker for no apparent reason .

    上周,“胖墩”的 主人 平白无故和另一位遛狗人 展开了激烈的口角。

  • Mr Carney who once played ice hockey for Harvard not only stood firm when Mr Dimon unleashed a tirade in front of two dozen other bankers but also hit back 48 hours later with a speech that warned against backsliding and a pointed dig at his critics .

    当戴蒙在20多位央行行长面前 发表 攻击性讲话时,曾经是哈佛大学(Harvard)冰球队员的卡尼不仅没有 退让,还在48小时之后发表演讲回击,直截了当地向他的批评者警示不要 故态复萌

  • After the chairman delivered his opening speech Mr Blake launched into a brilliant tirade .

    主席致开幕词后,布莱克先生 了精彩的 长篇 演说

  • Dont unleash a long tirade about what you dont like about your co-worker .

    不要 长篇大论的抱怨自己如何不喜欢这个同事。

  • When asked what the problem was the wife went into a passionate painful tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the15 years they had been married .

    治疗师问他们有甚麽问题,太太便 痛心疾首喋喋不休 一一数 这15年来的问题。

  • Just as the football association were preparing to let Chelsea manager Jose mourinho 's latest rant rest Ashley Cole last night waded in with his own tirade against Graham Poll in a verbal attack which would have made his mischievous manager proud .

    就在英足总试图平息切尔西主教练穆里尼奥的 指责 ,昨晚 阿什利。科尔以个人的 形势抨击了波尔,这 恐怕会使他脾气火爆的主教练颇为自豪。

  • It followed gibson 's arrest for drink-driving earlier this year and his subsequent anti-Semitic tirade to police officers .

    今年早些时候,吉布森因酒后驾车而被捕,之后又对警官大发反犹太人 言论

  • Admantha : you call that public tirade subtle ?

    你说那次公共 演讲微不足道?

  • His writings are one long tirade against ignorance .

    他的著作 称得上反对无知的 长篇 演说

  • Upon hearing the proposal of an indemnity Grey began a magnificent tirade which was so magnificent that Swing forgot to say he had the impression that the indemnity might not be insisted upon .

    格雷一听到要赔款,就来「一 精彩 咒骂」, 精彩得令斯温忘了说,他所得的印象是赔款一 德国未必坚持。

  • She launched into a tirade against the policies that ruined her business

    她就 造成自己企业破产的政策 发表了激愤的 长篇 演说

  • But his tirade can certainly make its life in parliament difficult with a crucial vote coming up this month on the 2013 budget .

    但他的 谩骂肯定会使议会的日子 更加难过,下个月议会将就2013年预算案举行一场关键的投票。

  • He launched an immoderate tirade on Turner .

    他针对特纳发表了一篇极端激愤的 长篇 演说

  • These read a little like an embittered wife 's tirade against her husband during a car journey .

    这份 列表读起来有点像一个怨妇在驱车途中 没完没了 指责老公。

  • He delivered a long tirade against the government .

    他发表了反政府的 长篇 演说

  • She launched into an angry tirade about how she had been unfairly treated .

    如何遭受不公正待遇发表了激烈的 长篇 演说

  • She fairly gasped in her excitement not willing to pause in her tirade .

    她激动得几乎透不过气来,不愿意停止她 滔滔不绝 说话

  • He launches into an inarticulate tirade against conventional people .

    词不达意 发表了一通 激烈 言论 攻击 因循守旧的人们。

  • Because of the title I had thought The Ugly Chinaman was a sort of angry tirade but it is not . It is a well argued denunciation of the ills of Chinese culture .

    因为这个书名,我本以为这本《丑陋的中国人》是一种愤世嫉俗的 激情 演说,但实际上它是对中国文化弊病的极具说服 的谴责。

  • Respond to the content of your boss 's tirade not the curses .

    回应你老板所 责骂 ,而不回应 他的恶言 恶语

  • She did not much like the latter and here I expected the usual ignorant anti-Japan tirade which marks so much of Chinese attitudes to Japan .

    她并不喜欢在日本 公司的工作,在此,我期待着 无知的反日论,这记录着中国人对日本人的态度。

  • You might have spared yourself the trouble of delivering that tirade .

    你大可不必自找麻烦 这么 长篇 演讲

  • Trump 's tirade targeted America 's political leaders saying they are stupid people and a bunch of bloodsuckers who are burying the U.

    唐老鸭 言辞 激烈直指老美的政治领袖,说“他们是愚蠢的人们”和一群“吸血生物”,他们正在埋葬“廉帮”(这个翻译我超喜欢,下贱的组织!)