
[ ˈtaɪrdnɪs]['taɪədnəs]


  • He complained of tiredness and headaches .

    他抱怨说 了,而且头疼。

  • Rest is also important to allow you body to recover from overwork and tiredness .

    但是休息也是很重要的,允许你自己在过度 疲劳中恢复过来。

  • Tiredness and fever are much more likely to be a sign of flu coming on .


  • Stress and tiredness affect your powers of concentration .

    紧张和 疲劳影响注意力的集中。

  • Symptoms are unusual paleness and tiredness .

    症状是异常的苍白和 疲劳

  • He failed along of his tiredness .

    他没有取得成功,因为他 了。

  • A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep in the middle of his lecture .

    我又 又厌倦,于是在他演讲时睡着了。

  • He felt half dead with tiredness

    他已经 半死不活了。

  • The tone of his text bespeaks a certain tiredness .

    他的笔调透出一种 倦意

  • Breathing rate increases to 50 % above normal level . Prolonged exposure can cause headache tiredness .

    呼吸频率增加到正常水平以上50%。持续暴露会导致头痛、 疲劳

  • Symptoms include tiredness paleness and lethargy .

    症状包括 疲倦、脸色苍白、没有精神。

  • The sea receives you envelops you in her warmth and pets the urban tiredness out of you .

    大海接待了你,热情地拥抱着你,抚去你身上在闹市留下的 困乏

  • Common signs of sleeping sickness include fever headaches extreme tiredness and pain in the muscles and joints .

    昏睡病的常见症状有发烧,头痛,极度 疲劳以及肌肉和关节疼痛。

  • The colonel 's eyes dropped with tiredness .

    上校的眼睛 了。

  • Thus you will forget about the kind of anxiety and tiredness of the concrete jungle .

    从而你会忘却自己在城市这座钢筋水泥的丛林中的紧张和 劳累

  • Heavy breathing is loud and deep usually because of tiredness illness or excitement .

    粗重的呼吸通常由于 疲倦、生病或激动而又沉又响。

  • Ignoring feelings of tiredness knocks our body clocks out of kilter

    忽视 疲劳 打乱我们的生物钟。

  • It also can reduce tiredness and fatigue .

    它还可以减少 疲劳和疲劳。

  • May cause headache dizziness tiredness and indisposition .

    可能会造成头痛、头晕、 疲劳和身体不适。

  • Primrose stupefied by tiredness began to wail that she was hungry .

    普丽姆罗丝因 疲惫 显得有些迟钝,开始哭着说她饿了。

  • Suddenly my tiredness vanished .

    顿时,我的 倦意消失了。

  • Tiredness and cell phone usage cause serious accidents .

    过度 疲劳和使用手机会引起严重的交通事故。

  • I incline to tiredness in winter .

    我在冬天 疲倦

  • He has noticed excessive sweating and unexplained tiredness .

    他体会到过度的出汗和难以解释的 疲倦

  • The neighbor with a look of haggardness and tiredness opened the door .

    一脸憔悴和 疲惫的邻居开了门。

  • There may be associated symptoms of : headache diarrhoea tiredness faintness and nausea .

    可能有相关的症状:头痛,腹泻, 疲倦,头晕和恶心。

  • Her tiredness relaxed her limbs .

    疲乏 四肢也松驰了。

  • He felt sick from tiredness .

    他因 疲劳感到不舒服。

  • An increasing ratio of mistakes perhaps induced by tiredness crept into her game .

    可能是由于 体力不支,她在比赛中的失误越来越多。