


  • Our policy also was set long ago & to give tit for tat to fight for every inch of land .

    我们的方针也是老早定了的,就是针锋相对, 寸土必争

  • But when tit comes to money more and more people seek advice from HSBC .

    但说到理财,越来越多的人选择 HSBC银行。

  • That 's one itchy tit .

    胸部 真够 的。

  • Tit . 3:4 But when the kindness and the love to man of our Savior God appeared .


  • Billy hit me so I give him back tit for tat .

    我告诉她, 如果 伤害我,我会对 以牙还牙

  • I 'm living off the government tit .

    我在 政府的 奶水

  • He hit me so I hit him back-it was tit for tat .

    他打了我,我也打了他,这就叫做 以牙还牙

  • So the real story here is that conditions and wages for Chinese factory workers are improving . That s a good thing isn tit ?


  • New-style concealed coccus can cause kidney tit necrotic and integrated proof pyelonephritis and pyuria of similar kidney tubercular .

    新型隐球菌可引起肾 乳头坏死综合征、肾盂肾炎和类似肾结核的脓尿。

  • John kicked me so Igave him tit for tat .

    约翰踢我,因而我 以牙还牙

  • Uncle Sam puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it 's purple .

    山姆大叔把手伸进你的衬衫,直到把你 一干二净

  • Under weaves of moonlight blue tit 's dream tickles .

    月光波来,蓝 山雀之梦为之颤然。

  • Our policy is to give him tit for tat and to fight for every inch of land .

    我们的方针是针锋相对, 寸土必争

  • John made me go bankruptcy and I 'll tit for tat .

    约翰把我搞破产了,我要 以牙还牙

  • I fell off my bike and went arse over tit .

    我跌下自行车,一头号 到地上。

  • Tit . 3:6 Whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior .


  • I didin 't invite her to my party because she didn 't invite me to hers . it 's was just tit for tat .

    我没有邀请她来参加我的聚会,因为她没有邀请我,这只是 以牙还牙而已。

  • We should give tit of tat to them .

    我们应当与他们 针锋相对

  • Mary asked Lily to apologize to her in public and said it 's tit for tat .

    玛丽让莉莉当着 众人的面向她道歉, 说这是 以牙还牙

  • The west should not now be drawn into an escalating game of tit for tat .

    现在西方不应被 卷入一场不断升级的 对抗游戏中。

  • I expect we 'll get the usual tit for tat response .

    我想我们得到的将是那种通常的 以牙还牙 报复

  • Back then it occurred almost precisely when the tit hatchlings needed it most .

    1985年,这个高峰期几乎就是 山雀孵化、最需喂食的时间。

  • Tit : On second thought of course I wanted it to rain .


  • Doggett 's put his Tit in the wringer .


  • Tit . 2:1 But you speak the things which are fitting to the healthy teaching .


  • She make it from-a milk from her tit .

    用她自己的 做的。

  • Jack punches Anna in the right tit and then the left .

    杰克一拳猛击安娜右边的 乳头

  • An article made of ivory . Bill beat me at chess last week and I beat him tonight-so I am tit for tat .

    比尔上个星期下象棋赢了我,结果今晚我胜了他&因此我们 以牙还牙

  • This time we gave tit for tat fought and made a very good job of it .

    这一回,我们 了, 了,而且 对”得很好, 得很好。