tissue space

[ˈtɪʃu spes][ˈtisju: speis]


  • Objective : To explore the diagnostic value of tissue harmonic imaging ( THI ) in space occupying pancreatic lesions by comparing with conventional fundamental imaging ( FI ) .

    目的:通过常规基波成像(FI)与 组织谐波成像(THI)的对比观察,探讨 组织谐波成像在胰腺 位性病变诊断中的价值。

  • The tissue space is filled with tissue fluid .

    组织 间隙充满了组织液。

  • ⅱ b type : the soft tissue mass located in intercostal space including neurilemmoma of intercostal nerves 2 cases and lipoma 1 case .

    发生于肋 间隙的软 组织肿块(Ⅱb型):肋间神经鞘瘤2例,脂肪瘤1例;

  • Conclusion : These alterations improved the soft tissue profile and solved the space deficiency of the maxilla by using the tooth-borne distractor .

    结论:牙支持式牵张器可有效治疗唇腭裂术后上 颌骨发育不足及软 组织量不足的患者。

  • Leggy seedlings leaves were thin palisade tissues became shorter spongy tissue arranged in loose with larger intercellular space .

    徒长苗叶片薄,栅栏组织细胞变短,海绵 组织排列疏松,细胞 间隙变大。


    褐色脂肪 组织产热 航天员的产热和散热问题

  • Conclusion Combined transfer of the second toe and medial and / or lateral tarsal flaps is an ideal method for treatment of V ° or IV ° thumb loss accompanied with soft tissue defect at the first web space or radial side of the hand .

    结论第二趾与足内、外侧皮瓣复合组织移植是修复拇指Ⅳ°、Ⅴ°缺损及合并 虎口及桡侧软 组织缺损的理想治疗方法。

  • We obtained the tissue pathologic diagnoses of 24 patients with lung space occupying lesion with automatic biopsy gun under the guidance of color Doppler ultrasound and 20G needles .

    应用信航牌自动活检枪、20G槽式穿刺针在彩色多普勒超声引导下对24例肺外周型 位性病变进行自动 组织切割穿刺活检,全部获得病理学诊断。

  • An optical and transmission electron microscope study on nerve tissue of thoracic ganglion and muscles in the crab Eriocheir sinensis which suffering from tremor disease indicated that rickettsia like organisms ( RLO ) infested in glial cells connective tissue and intercellular space .

    对患颤抖病的中华绒螯蟹(EriocheirSinensis)神经和肌肉组织进行光镜和电镜观察,结果显示类立克次体广泛存在于胸神经节中的神经胶质细胞、结缔 组织以及细胞 间隙中。

  • However BEI observations revealed the stronger backscattered electrons appear in the pancreatic connective tissue space or tissue channels lymphatic vessels or capillaries .

    BEI可显示标记金颗粒的背散射电子,主要存在于胰结缔 组织 间隙或组织通道、淋巴管或毛细淋巴管内。

  • The failure for the anther of male sterile lines in rice to open is due either to the non-existence of the tissue space between two anther chambers or to the formation of very weak springs .

    雄性不育水稻花药不开裂,或者是由于无药室间 组织 间隙的存在,或者是由于形成很微弱的弹簧。

  • The BEI-SEM observation indicated that the stronger BEI present in pancreatic connective tissue space lymphatic vessels or capillaries .

    SEM观察BEI表明,较强的背散射电子出现在胰岛结缔 组织 间隙、淋巴管或毛细淋巴管内;

  • Thus the connective tissue of the tunnel could provide a buffer space forthe movement of the contents within it .

    这样,腕管内的结缔 组织为腕管内容提供了一定的活动 空间

  • X-ray showed that articular soft tissue swelled significantly no bone erosion and joint space change occurred .

    影像学检查可见AA大鼠关节软 组织肿胀明显,未见或罕见骨侵蚀和关节 间隙改变等骨破坏现象。

  • Finally we propose a synergetic classification of lymphoid tissue color pathological images based on the textural features space . We use the textural features instead of the gray features to classify the lymphoid tissue color pathological images in the synergetic neural network .

    在上述分析基础上,本文提出了基于纹理特征 空间的淋巴 组织病理图像协同模式分类,即以纹理特征替代传统的灰度特征,进入协同神经网络,对淋巴组织病理图像进行模式识别。

  • The Tissue Culture of The Space Lotus

    太空莲的 组织培养

  • Result : After the tissue of intervertebral disc entered the epidural space it would contact the blood system and be absorbed by the T-cell and monocytes in the blood system gradually .

    结果:脱出的椎间盘 组织进入硬膜外 后接触血液系统,逐渐被血液系统中的T细胞及单核细胞清除吸收。

  • Histological observation proved that bone like tissue formed among the space of granules and in the pores of coral and cartilage tissues could also be observed in some area . In the 2 month specimens newly formed bone became maturation .

    组织学检查可见,1月标本中,在珊瑚颗粒之间及珊瑚 孔隙内,均有大量类骨质形成,并可见较多软骨组织,2月标本中新骨已较为成熟。

  • When activated by maturation factors including VEGF the pre-osteoclasts differentiated into mature osteoclasts and chew up bone tissue providing the tumor new space to grow .

    一旦由包括VEGF在内的促成熟细胞因子活化后,破骨细胞的前体细胞可以分化成为成熟的破骨细胞,破坏骨 组织,给肿瘤细胞的生长腾出 空间

  • Results : 1 . In the lung tissue of the model group ' rats after poisoned 14 days HE dyeing patho-observation can see that lung tissue occurrence bulk fibroblast paraplasm displace alveolar space alveoli pulmonis nearly disappearance incrassate alveolar septum inter-desis pellet .

    结果:1、模型组大鼠中毒14天时肺组织HE染色病理观察可见肺 组织出现大量成纤维细胞异常增生取代肺泡 ,肺泡几乎消失,增厚的肺泡间隔相互融合成片。

  • Sugar-free culture system of tissue culture plantlet for large space based on environmental control

    基于环境控制的 组培苗无糖培养系统

  • All of the temporal branches of facial nerve were located in front of line CD 75.0 % in subcutaneous tissue 21.4 % in superficial temporal space 3.6 % in intermedial temporal space .

    面神经颞支均在CD连线前方的颞区内,75.0%行于 皮下、21.4%行于颞浅 间隙、3.6%行于颞中间隙。

  • Relying on the passive diffusion and dispersion to get access to the cancerous vasculature nanoparticles could get into the body through intravenous injection remain in the tissue space for a long time and finally accumulate in the cancer cells .

    治疗肿瘤时,纳米颗粒可以通过静脉注射进入肌体,主要依靠被动扩散和弥散作用渗入肿瘤的脉管系统,在肿瘤 组织 间隙停滞较长时间,最终导致药物在肿瘤细胞内积聚。

  • Peripheral odontogenic keratocyst in the soft tissue of infratemporal space : Report of one case

    颞下 组织外周性角化囊肿1例报告

  • Half an hour after TBI brain tissue hurt the cortical surface subarachnoid space contusion and laceration around and under cortex were all bleeding and slightly swelling to some extent .

    TBI组在 损伤后的0.5h时,其皮质的表面、蛛 网膜下腔、挫裂伤灶形成周围的皮质和皮质下的白质都有不同程度的出血和一点的肿胀。

  • Neurosurgery surgery especially for the head is complicated full of nerve tissue and having small space to operate . Any damnification will bring serious syndrome even death .

    神经外科手术,特别是脑部的神经外科手术,具有错综复杂、神经 组织密集、操作 空间狭小等特点,任何损伤都可能带来严重的并发症甚至死亡。

  • HE staining showed that tissue structure in fibrosis liver was loose and perisinusoidal space is dilated .

    HE染色显示,纤维化肝脏的 组织结构松散,窦周 增大。

  • Clinical Application of Tissue Harmonic Imaging to Space Occupying Pancreatic Lesions

    组织谐波成像诊断胰腺 位性病变的临床应用

  • Nursing in Treating Cervical Carcinoma With Tissue Space Implantation

    组织 插植术治疗宫颈癌的护理