




  • The Quai Branly museum may be just six years old but it is in its way old-fashioned a throwback to a less timorous time when museums were proud to display human scalps and heads shrunken by Amazon tribes ( pictured ) .


  • For love is respectful and timorous . ( No.97 )

    爱是尊敬的也是 胆小的。

  • Like a timorous bird you fly to my breast with eager love .

    像一 羞怯的鸟,你满怀热爱地飞到我胸前。

  • New occupants were too timorous to complain to the landlord about the high rent .

    新房客 胆子,不敢向房东抱怨房租太高。

  • Too timorous to protest the disrespect with which she was being treated the young woman could only accept it with resignation .

    这个年轻的女人太 懦弱以致无力抗争她所遭受的不敬,她只能接受这一事实。

  • Whenever or wherever I see you next time I won 't be timorous or evasive .

    每当或下次无论我在何处看见你我将不会是 胆怯的或逃避的。

  • Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous .

    一些代表认为最后的声明可能 不够 强硬

  • He was the most timorous person in that event .

    在那次事件中他是个 胆小

  • Such valor continued once people took to the streets where reporters describe women as being in the vanguard of action goading more timorous men to get up and fight for their rights .

    婊子。这种英勇继续一群人走上街头,在那记者说明妇女作为是一种先锋行动,刺激更多 男子站起来,争取自己的权利。

  • But UBS is a reminder that for most the future is as smaller more timorous beasts .

    而瑞银则提醒我们,大多数银行将在未来成为更瘦小、更 胆怯的野兽。

  • Timorous little mouse ; in a timorous tone ; cast fearful glances at the large dog .


  • The timorous rabbit ran away .


  • Yet the image of timorous investors resisting risk is not quite right .

    但风险 厌恶投资者 胆怯的形象 似乎是不太恰当的。

  • The timorous rabbit ran away . Using an ox to hunt a hare .


  • He is a reclusive timorous creature .

    他是个离群索居、 胆小 羞怯的家伙。

  • Men are even lazier than they are timorous and what they fear most is the troubles with which any unconditional honesty and nudity would burden them . & Friedrich Nietzsche .

    人类, 胆怯又懒惰,他们最害怕的就是无条件的诚实和裸露会为他们带来的麻烦和负担。

  • Root of wash 'd sweet-flag ! Timorous pond-snipe ! Nest of guarded .

    你将是雨水冲洗过的甜菖蒲草根! 胆怯的池鹬!看守着双。