


  • Timesaving is the subject to scores of books with titles like Streamlining Your Life ; Take Your Time ; More Hours in My Day .

    省时 众多书籍的主题,如 提高生活效率 悠着点 我的一天不止24小时

  • The computer program shows that there are high precision less element and date timesaving and other features in the usefulness of the elements above for such as arch and variable section structures . preparing the data ;

    通过算例表明,用这种单元计算如拱、变截面的杆系结构,具有精度高、所需单元少、准备数据 工作量 节省 时的特点,并可应用于 渡槽的计算。

  • The algorithm employs the baker transformation to encrypt binary watermark simple and timesaving in implementation .

    该算法采用面包师变换对二值水印进行加密,具有操作方便、 运算 实时、提取时不需要原始图像等 特点

  • Easy to manipulate and timesaving ;

    操作 DSA简单 省时

  • As Virgo moms are very particular about time they would love anything which is timesaving .

    处女座妈妈时间观念很 ,她们偏爱任何能 节省 时间的东西。

  • According to the characteristics of parachute based on three assumptions ( membrane assumption of canopy axisymmetric assumption of parachute and steady assumption of flowfield ) the 3-D complex flow problem was first transformed into an axisymmetric problem with computational timesaving .

    文章根据降落伞的特点,通过3点假设(伞衣的薄膜假设、降落伞的轴对称假设和流场的定常假设),将三维复杂流动问题,转化成二维轴对称问题,以 节约计算 时间

  • In the comparison between the direct and indirect tests the priming rate and timesaving rate didn 't differ in the word or picture stimuli .

    直接测验和间接测验的比较 显示,无论是 词还是图形材料,启动效率与 省时率差异均无显著性。

  • Because of the inconvenience due to the complicated modeling and time-consuming debugging the adoption of professional software to accomplish modeling and simulation research is not only timesaving and makes the modeling process simplified but also assures the program to run reliably with convenient debugging and exact results .

    采用专业软件进行建模及仿真研究,不仅可以使建模过程简单化, 节省大量的时间,而且程序运行可靠、调试方便、结果准确,便于分析研究。

  • A mathematical model is developed to predict the shape evolution of a growing rod billet during spray forming and a timesaving method for the calculation of the shadowing efficiency is provided .

    建立了描述喷射成形圆柱坯形状演化过程的数学模型, 找到了一种 较为 简便的计算屏蔽系数的方法,研究了圆柱坯的生长规律。

  • I found Chrome alternatives to other Mac apps including a photo editor to-do list app and keystroke - and timesaving text expander .

    我发现其他Mac应用的Chrome版,包括图片编辑软件、日程 规划应用以及 省时的文本 拓展器。

  • An LP optimization is conducted only when the condition of transmission congestion changes . Test results on the 3-node and the modified IEEE 14-node power systems show that the modified Simplex method gives timesaving evaluation of transmission expansion projects with good accuracy .

    文中算例对3节点和修改后的IEEE14节点系统进行了指标估算,结果表明,文中提出的基于改进单纯形法的输电网规划项目评估 方法是有效的,具有一定的实用价值。

  • This method is simple and ( easy ) accurate and reliable and timesaving .

    该方法简单易行,准确可靠, 省时 省力

  • Some experiments are done and the results indicate that this method is simple timesaving and suitable for locating defects .

    通过实验证明,本方法简单 省时,适合于 裂缝常见缺陷的定位。

  • The technique is safe reliable timesaving simple to operate convenience to maintain and no pollution to environment .

    经过实际应用证明,该技术具有安全、可靠、 省时、操作简单、维护方便、 冲洗效果好、对环境无污染的特点,是 发电机 冷却 系统 除垢技术上的一次 突破

  • It is also timesaving if you think about how much time you would use in traffic jams and finding a parking .

    想像一下,当你坐 公交遇上交通拥塞,或者 开车花很长 时间找停车场, 自行车是多么的 省时

  • Perhaps he thinks you single him out for criticism or perhaps he really does have a brilliant timesaving method .

    也许他会认为你单单把他 出来批评,或者他的确有一个很好的 节省 时间的方法。

  • Making use of the geometric relations the location of the rays is accurate and timesaving .

    利用几何特性寻找射线,既准确又 节省 计算 时间

  • Through the comparison and analysis of interpretation and mapping methods for 2-D seismic sections and migration sections this article points out that mapping directly by utilizing migration section is more simple precise and timesaving .

    从二维地震的水平剖面与偏移剖面的解释与成图方法入手,通过比较分析指出,应用偏移剖面直接作图,是一种更简单,更 省时,更精确的 方法

  • Does timesaving mean getting more done ?


  • We can conclude from experiments and numerical comparisons that this software package can provide timesaving and accurate thermal analysis for electronic equipment .

    经过实验研究及数值分析对比可知:该软件可以对 计算机 机箱 的电子设备进行 相对精确同时 比较 省时的热 特性分析。

  • But here we say is a latest timesaving patchwork which could be done in a short time without professional tools but a guide picture .

    而这里我们要推荐的是一种全新的 手工 拼布方式,无须专业的基础和工具,无须 花费 多的 精力 时间按照 图纸 操作,便能在短时间内完成成品。

  • The numeral results on a mathematical test and a practical problem both show the proposed method not only obtains better results but also is timesaving and more robust compared with the standard genetic algorithm .

    将改进算法与标准算法 用于对典型数学函数和应用实例的求解,运算结果表明,该算法比标准遗传算法不仅求解质量高,而且 收敛 速度 、稳定性强。

  • The preparation method is timesaving and easy control .

    该法 节省 时间,操作简单,过程容易控制。

  • Drawing-line test is better than the Rorschach Inkblot Method in these three aspects namely quantification simplicity and timesaving . 3 .

    画线测验具有优于罗夏墨迹测验的量化性、简洁性、 省时性三大特点。

  • Compared with the authentication method by sequencing DNA fragments the allele specific diagnostic PCR was not only simple and timesaving but also practical and effective .

    与DNA测序鉴别方法相比,位点特异性PCR具有简单、 省时、高效 准确优点

  • The electromagnetic noise calculation program is suitable for comparison of multi-schemes and the calculation is accurate and timesaving .

    编制的永磁同步电动机电磁噪声计算程序适用于电机设计阶段的多方案比较,计算结果可靠、 节省 计算 时间

  • CONCLUSION : The QC PCR methods of what we have established in this experiment display a well specific and accurate properties . It is more timesaving and simple compared to the cultured methods and other quantitative methods to detect Streptococcus Sobrinus .

    结论:实时荧光定量PCR方法可以用于快速灵敏的定量检测 远缘链球菌,比传统的培养鉴定方法显示了更大的优越性。

  • This method is simple sensitve accurate and timesaving .

    方法较为简便,灵敏、 省时和精确。

  • It was shown by experiments that this apparatus has high-output timesaving and economical advantages and is very suitable for the spreading in the laboratories of our country .

    实验表明用这种装置回收DNA具有高效、 快捷和经济的优点,非常适合在国内实验室普及推广。