tight side

[taɪt saɪd][tait said]


  • The cargo was generally tight stowed with no apparent canting or space created between the cargo and side shell frames .

    货物基本堆放 紧密,没有明显的倾斜,在货物与 船侧舷肋骨之间也不存在空隙。

  • She pulled the car into a tight parking space on a side street .

    她将车停进了 小路上一个 狭窄的停车位里。

  • The only time I got tight I was paralysed all the next day . A stroke had paralyzed the entire left side of her body .

    要是我一喝酒,第二天就完全 了。中风使她的身体 左侧完全瘫痪。

  • Because of the injury or kidney deficiency caused by the operation of qi and blood disorders the sequence of tight way lumbar support by the House lost to the side or back pain on both sides of the main symptoms of a disease card .

    指腰部感受外邪,或因劳伤,或由肾虚而引起气血运行失调,脉络 ,腰府失养所致的以腰部 一侧或两侧疼痛为主要症状的一类病证。

  • Shanxi Traditional Vernacular Furniture which showed tight contact with the architecture of that time combined its shape with its proportion and function attached importance to the changeful leg and foot as well as the link between spot and side .

    山西传统民间家具与当时的建筑有着 紧密的联系,其造型与其比例、功能之间有着良好的结合,并有多变的腿脚造型,重视点、 面的搭配。

  • My new shoes are on the tight side but should be all right after I have worn them a few times .

    我这双新鞋 ,但穿过几次后就会松一些。

  • The chordal actions produced in the three silent chain transmission systems are gained respectively from the two aspects of the tight side chain plate and the sprocket center distance and then compared with each other .

    分别从齿形链 链节和链轮中心距两方面提取了这三种齿形链传动系统在传动过程中产生的多边形效应并进行了对比。

  • If a greenhouse is extra tight the airflow from the inlet side of the house to the exhaust fan will be relatively well confined .

    如果温室很 密闭,室内从进风 到排风扇的气流就比较好控制。

  • After installing the packing ring twisted tight bolts and confirmed with the filler material to build the right side junction box .

    在安装填料环之后, 扭紧螺栓,并确认料盖与填料箱 正确接合。

  • He takes tight turn downhill as spectators line the side of track .

    他下山 转弯,观众站在赛道 观看。