to band together

[tu bænd təˈɡɛðɚ][tu: bænd təˈɡeðə]

联合, 团结

  • Penman try to band law code administration regulations or so and criminal law together . And fall criminal law and operation of customs together .

    笔者 力图 涉及 海关的监管业务的法律、法规、行政规章或其他规范性文件与刑法规范 结合 起来游离于刑法规范与海关法律规范的走私犯罪和海关监管业务结合起来。

  • They decided to put a new band together .

    他们决定 组织一个新的 乐队

  • That scale is what attracted and the former danger founders to get the band back together with their goal being to build the hardware and features they want to see show up in new Android devices .

    正是这点吸引了 Danger的创建者们再次 聚首,他们的目标是将自己想展示的硬件和功能带到新的Android设备中。

  • In order to solve the crisis it is necessary to get back and maintain the particularity to pay attention to the value of psychology to band together demonstrative study and theoretical study and strengthen the integration of psychology .

    要消除危机,应找回并保持心理学的独特性,注重心理学的学科价值, 实证研究与理论研究 结合 起来,加强心理学的整合。

  • It 's our nature to band together in small teams for support and encouragement .

    团结 个小团队中,寻求支持和鼓励,这正是我们人类的本性。

  • Fifty local musicians have to coin a phrase banded together to form the Jazz Umbrella .

    50名当地的音乐家, 个双关词,“ 联合 起来”( band 有“乐队”之 )组成了“爵士乐大联盟”。

  • GarageBand : The updated music app allows you and three mates to form a band by playing your iPads together .

    苹果音乐制作软件GarageBand:有了这款最新版本的音乐应用程序,你可以与三位好友组成 乐队一起 iPad上演奏。

  • The day before the Valentine 's Day dance I got to band class and sat down next to him chattering away while I put my instrument together .

    在情人节舞会前一天,我到了 乐队坐在他旁边,将乐器 一起开始与他交谈。

  • They are also starting to band together to cut costs and plump up their capital cushions .

    为了降低成本,增强资金方面的抗冲击能力,他们也开始 抱团了。

  • Using time-frequency analysis and wavelet packet transform combined to extract signals mean square amplitude the power of the maximum and the energy value of each band under wavelet packet decomposition putting them together as the main features to reflect tool wear states .

    采用傅里叶分析和小波包变换相结合,提取信号幅值的均方差、功率的最大值及小波包分解后各 频段的能量值, 一起作为反映刀具磨损状态的主要特征。

  • Future the mobile communication to the wide band the data the multi-applications development the mobile communication and the network interconnection technology will fuse in together the mobile communication technology unceasing renewal also will impel the mobile interned the fast development .

    未来移动通信 宽带化、数据化、多应用化发展,移动通信和网络互联技术将融合在 一起,移动通信技术的不断更新也将推动移动互联网的快速发展。

  • The highly efficient research and development work conducted on the worldwide Net is best suited for small and medium enterprises to band together and break the monopolies of the giants .

    这种全球网络化的高效率科学研究尤其适合中小型企业 联合 起来打破巨人的垄断。

  • If we can put aside all the stresses of life come together to pursue our mutual love of music formed a band together it is what kind of satisfaction .

    如果我们能抛开一切的生活压力,相聚在一起, 追寻我们共同的音乐爱好, 一起乐队,那是怎样的一种满足感。

  • There will also be a handful of world encounters that will require the server to band together and overcome a great foe .

    还存在少数的“世界”遭遇战,需要整个服务器 联合 起来战胜强大的敌人。

  • It ′ s easy for the orthogonal filter approach to implement signal demodulation by combining the function and process of band passing and Hilbert transform together .

    正交滤波器方法 通滤波和希尔伯特变换的过程和功能有 合二为一,实现过程方便。

  • After all the bad attention China has been getting recently I am so proud to watch as they band together to help others .

    在最近所有关于中国恶意的注意之后,我很 荣幸的看到他们 救灾 行动他们愿意为其他人提供帮助。

  • If you don 't get any big opportunities handed to you you may be able to band together with your co-workers and create some .

    如果你没法得到任何工作上的大机会,你或许可以 同事们多 一起,在这个艰难的形势下创造一些机遇。

  • Slower growth has been felt most keenly by dealers who often have little bargaining power and have begun to band together to demand better terms from car suppliers .

    经销商最深切地感受到增长放缓的影响,他们往往没有什么议价能力,但已经 开始 联合 起来,要求汽车供应商提供更优惠的条件。

  • At that time I just asked the bands in a normal way and they were able to come together but people said afterwards that it 's unbelievable that this band and that band would perform together !

    当时我只是平常地问了几个乐队并且他们 能够聚合在一起,不过人们在这之后说这个 乐队和那个乐队能够 一起表演真是难以置信!

  • Because short board really too much also nobody knows how to become these bat band the bucket of a fit together perfectly .

    因为“短板”实在太多,也没人知道怎么 这些板子 成一个 严丝合缝的桶。

  • This result is an important breach to increase the relationship between corporate governance and performance in stateowned enterprise which means that we can band together top manager salary and shareholders benefit by establishing prompting mechanism based on long term performance .

    这方面恰是提高国有企业公司业绩,进而增加国有企业公司治理与公司绩效相关度的突破口,即 如何建立以长期业绩为基础的高管人员激励机制,将高管利益与股东财富更好地 结合 起来

  • Entrepreneurship programs educators government organizations and developers will need to band together to attract and keep talented workers .

    创业项目、教育家、政府机构和开发人员 需要 齐心协力,吸引、留住人才。

  • It just never occurred to me that a group of people would band together for that & whatever that was .

    因为在现实世界,这些成本很高,有很多我们 愿意 组织或者加入的团体从来没有 组织 起来