tight money

[taɪt ˈmʌni][tait ˈmʌni]


  • He 's very tight with his money .


  • Tight money policies make it necessary for us to turn down loan requests from many clients or to increase the downpayment requirements on mortgage and installment loans .

    银根 紧缩政策使得我们必须拒绝许多客户的贷款要求,或者增加抵押货款和分期贷款的定金。

  • Tight money market Controlling / quelling / checking deflation / inflation

    银根 紧缩 金融市场遏止通货紧缩/膨胀

  • I would think that the tight money policies that the government has been following would start having some effect .

    我认为政府所实施的 银根 紧缩政策已经开始产生一些效果。

  • The east particularly the industrial sector suffered from an eventually crippling tight money supply ;

    东部地区,特别是那里的工业界, 由于 资金短缺,几乎 瘫痪

  • The budget is tight in Oakland and no extra money is going to be spent for Beane to bolster his roster for the upcoming season .

    奥克兰的预算很 ,根本没有多余的 来供比恩充实他的阵容、为即将到来的赛季做准备。

  • No matter how tight his budget is he always gives away part of his money to charity .

    无论他的钱有多么 紧张,他总是 拿出一部分送给慈善团体。

  • Tight money is considered a particularly powerful tool for fighting inflation .

    紧缩 银根被认为是对付通货膨胀的特别有力的工具。

  • He 's really tight with money .

    他真是 一毛不拔

  • Arthur burns chairman of the Federal Reserve board has been hinting that the tight money policy will have to be relaxed in order to prepare the way for a decline in interest rates .

    联邦储备委员会主席阿瑟伯恩斯曾一再暗示说,为了给降低利率铺平道路,将不得不放宽 紧缩 银根的政策。

  • They persuaded the Federal Reserve to back off of tight money .

    他们说服了联邦储备局在 货币 的情况下向他们让步。

  • In 2011 tight money policies and harsh restrictions on property construction continued to put downward pressure on steel prices .

    2011年, 紧缩 货币政策和对房地产建设的严格限制,继续令钢铁价格面临下行压力。

  • Its bond market is much smaller and less developed than in the U.S. China 's tight capital controls limit investors ' ability to take the money abroad .

    而中国的债券市场的规模和成熟度都不及美国。中国 严格的资本管制也限制了投资者 投资海外的能力。

  • The money market is very stringent . tight money period

    货币市场上银根奇紧。 利率时期, 银根信用w_672紧缩时期

  • This year the day our family is very tight due to repair of the two rooms in winter due to the carpentry money to pay for eggs to be sold to a carpenter just at home without the eggs .

    这年我们家的日子很 ,由于冬天修了两间房子,欠了木工 ,鸡蛋都要卖了去支付给木匠,正好家里没有鸡蛋了。

  • Ve already spent all my wages this month so I 'm in a tight spot with money .

    我这个月的工资已经花完了,所以我又为 犯愁了。

  • She 's tight with her money .

    她在 上特别 抠唆

  • When the government is in a tight squeeze it usually tries to borrow money from abroad .

    政府遇到财政 困难时常常设法从国外 贷款

  • Tight capital controls also make it difficult to transfer money outside of China .

    严格的资本管控也让中国人很难向境外转移 财富

  • A period of financial difficulty characterized by tight money and unavailability of credit .

    经济 收缩 困难和信用无效为特征的财政困难时期。

  • Given the tight economy business people aren 't particularly interested in pouring more money into what looks like a sinking ship .

    在经济 紧缩的形势下,商界人士不再有特别的兴趣去向一艘看起来快要沉没的船砸 了。

  • Hu Jingjing has taken a tight grip of her husband ` s money since they got married in May giving him2 yuan a month as an allowance .

    自今年五月份结婚以来,胡晶晶(音译)一直把丈夫的 管得很 ,每月只给他2000元作为零用钱。

  • The pillar of her economic policy was keeping tight control over money supply .

    她经济政策的核心是 严格控制 货币的供应。

  • Recent on-hand a little bit tight know that you never give Felix money treatment only drug money so do not tell them .

    最近手头有点 知道你给Felix诊治从来不 收钱只收药钱所以别告诉他们哦。

  • Alas what is tight and cheap money is far from clear at any particular time .

    当然何谓 吃紧何谓便宜的 资金很难有一个清楚的分野。

  • They were triggered by the Federal Reserve 's unusually tight control of money and credit .

    这两起衰退是由于联邦储备系统特别 加紧控制 货币和信贷引起的。

  • Reasons and Countermeasures for Tight Money of Jianghan Petroleum Administration

    浅论管理局 资金 紧张的原因及解决对策

  • Is she tight with her money ?

    吝啬她的 吗?