title role

[ˈtaɪtl rol][ˈtaitl rəul]


  • A particularly well-known fictional tale of a magus is the novel The Magus by British author John Fowles which was later made into a film with Anthony Quinn in the title role .

    一个尤其著名的虚构小说《魔法师》是由英国作家约翰所写,后来制成了电影,AnthonyQuinn在这个剧 角色里。

  • She was very convincing in the title role .

    她演的与 片名 同名 角色很让人信服。

  • He played the title role in ' Hamlet ' .

    他在《哈姆雷特》中演 哈姆雷特 角色

  • < title > On a Correct Understanding of the Role of Policy

    正确认识政策的 地位 作用

  • The midfielder contributed to his club 's record sixth straight League title last term and played an important role in the Portugal side that reached the semi-finals of last summer 's World Cup .

    这位中场球员为他的俱乐部上个赛季创记录的六 连冠和葡萄牙国家队去年世界杯四强的成绩做出了贡献。

  • As a vital part of a movie movie title plays the role of providing the essence of information and attracting the eyeballs of audiences .

    电影 片名作为整个片子的点睛之笔,起着提供信息精华、吸引观众眼球的 作用

  • My novel ' The Rector 's Wife ' is being adapted for TV with Lindsay Duncan in the title role .

    我的小说《教区长的妻子》正被改编成电视剧,由林赛·邓肯饰 片名 主角

  • Zhang Hong a deputy chief editor of the Economic Observer a weekly newspaper was stripped of his title ( though allowed to keep working ) for his role in organising the editorial .

    《经济观察报》的副总编辑 张宏,被领导剥夺了 职务(虽然同意他继续工作),因为他带领组织了这次编辑报道。

  • So it is urgent to set up an effective developing and employing system . We know that the assessment system of professional title in colleges plays an essential role in the exploration and application of human resources of colleges .

    而我们知道中国高校教师 职称制度对高校人力资源的开发和使用起着至关重要的 作用

  • In 1997 she spent a year onstage on Broadway in the title role of The Diary of Anne Frank .

    在1997年,她花了一年的时间在舞台上表演《安? 法兰克的日记》中的 角色

  • < title > The role of mass media in American diplomacy

    大众 传媒在美国外交中的 角色

  • Ed Zwick 's Leaving Normal and the title role in Billy Galvin opposite Karl Malden .

    海关兹维克的离开、,在比利高尔文,对面的 卡尔马尔登

  • Kim Hye-ja who plays the title role in'Mother 'took the award for best actress .

    在该片中饰演母亲一角的 金惠子(KimHye-ja)荣获最佳女主角奖。

  • The quality of title translations takes a leading role in the propaganda of the film in domestic market .

    电影 标题翻译的质量对于影片在国内市场的宣传起到重要 作用

  • That same year he starred in the title role of The Hurricane .

    同年,他在《飓风》一片中饰演男 主角

  • Bill of lading is regarded as one of the most important document of title and it plays animportant role in international trade .

    提单是一种重要的“ 权利 凭证 ,在国际贸易中扮演着举足轻重的 角色

  • This element is a modified XLink which contains attributes describing the title target role and purpose of the resource .

    这个元素用XLink修饰,包括描述资源 标题、目标、 角色和用途的属性。

  • Soprano Tan Jing and Lei Jia will perform the title role Mulan .

    这部歌剧将由女高音 谭晶和雷佳 扮演 主角木兰。

  • In 2009 film director Guy Ritchie released ' Sherlock Holmes ' a British-American co-production starring Robert Downey Jr. in the title role .

    导演盖•里奇(GuyRitchie)在2009年将《大侦探福尔摩斯》(SherlockHolmes)搬上了大荧幕,这部英美联制的电影邀请到了小罗伯特•唐尼(Robert DowneyJr.)出演福尔摩斯这一 角色

  • The act of looking after elderly parents or relatives now earns us the official title of a carer and some suggest that this role should be financially compensated .

    照顾年迈的父母或者亲属的行为让人获得“ 模范”的 称号,有人还建议这些好人应该得到经济上的补偿。

  • You ought to go to Hollywood and audition for the title role in a new movie : The Return of King Kong .

    你应该去好莱坞试演那部新电影《金刚归来》的 主角

  • International cargo business practices the reservation of title system also to play the extremely vital role .

    国际货物买卖实践中 所有权保留制度也起着十分重要的 作用

  • Play the title role of a film

    扮演影片的 片名 角色

  • Title role For the New York scene the few hundred extras used each had three different costumes that they would wear for different exterior scenes .

    在纽约的戏中,几百名群众演员,每人都有三套戏服,在不同的 外景 扮演不同的 角色

  • Pro bono social sports instructors in 17 years public welfare work social sports instructor scale has developed to 65 million some get title social sports instructor guidance benefits of lower frequency play a role insufficiency .

    公益性社会体育指导员工作开展17年,公益性社会体育指导员的规模已经发展到65万,一些获得 称号的公益性社会体育指导员指导频率较低、发挥 作用不足。

  • Sherlock star Martin Freeman is going classical for his summer . The actor will play the title role in William Shakespeare 's play Richard III in London .

    《神探夏洛克》男演员MartinFreeman今年将会过一个相当古典的夏天。他已经确定会在伦敦上演的莎士比亚的戏剧《 理查三世》中扮演 主角理查三世。

  • Strengthening of the consciousness and design of title selection is playing an important role in the improvement of quality for the development of the college liberal arts journal .

    增强选题意识,优化 选题研究,加强选题策划,对高校文科学报求生存、求发展,提高质量,创精品具有重要的 意义

  • Title is an indispensable part in social language playing important role in social communication .

    称谓语是语言交际中不可缺少的部分,在言语交际中具有不容忽视的 作用

  • The component of its strike-slip increased along the belt from SE to NW while the component of its thrusting decreased . As a result thrusting dominated in the SE section and sinistral wrenching became a title role in the NW section .

    水平运动分量沿造山带自SE向NW增大,致使造山带的运动从SE段的逆冲为主逐渐过渡 NW段的左旋走滑 为主

  • Grint will play the title role of Clyde the well-meaning and sweet yet slightly neurotic guy who never really feels like he fits in .

    格林特将出演 主角克莱德,一个善良但有轻微神经质的年轻人,从来觉得自己格格不入。