12-29 There was an indrawn breath of horror from the audience and then the anxious and everlasting titter .
观众里传来因恐怖而倒吸气的声音,然后便是一直不停的不安的 窃笑 声。
Fortune : there are plenty of places online for consumers to voice their complaints online & yelp Facebook and titter to name a few .
《财富》:网络上有许多地方可以让消费者投诉和抱怨,比如Yelp、Facebook和 Twitter。
The curtain went down on a titter and some groans .
幕在 嗤笑 和 哼哈 声 中落下。
Enhanced Immune Effet of the Bursin on Mammals ⅱ . Effect of the Bursin with Different Dosages on the Titter of Antibody against Hog Cholera Virus Vaccine
囊素对哺乳动物免疫促进作用的研究Ⅱ.不同剂量囊素对 猪瘟疫苗接种猪抗体 水平的影响
He allowed himself a little titter at my expense .
他 竟 拿我 窃笑了一番。
A loud laugh from behind Tess 's back in the shade of the garden united with the titter within the room .
从苔丝身后的园子阴暗处传来一阵哈哈大笑, 笑声 同屋内的 嬉笑 声 交织在一起。
Mention sex therapy and most people will titter in embarrassment .
提及性治疗,大多数人会尴尬 地 偷笑。