to bring home the bacon

[tu brɪŋ hom ði ˈbekən][tu: briŋ həum ðə ˈbeikən]


  • We have to make ourselves living and bring home the bacon .

    我们 必须使自己的生活,并 养家糊口

  • I gotta go to work so I can bring home the bacon .

    我得 工作去 熏肉

  • Since their father died there 's been no one to bring home the bacon .

    自从他们的父亲死后, 就没人工作 赚钱了。

  • They struggle to earn enough money to bring home the bacon .

    他们努力赚钱只够 猪肉

  • As a single mom Cordia Harrington just needed to bring home the bacon .

    作为单身母亲,卡迪亚。哈灵顿起初只需要 熏肉 回家

  • In every country and regardless of their social systems there must be someone in the house who will have to bring home the bacon .

    在每一个国家 ,无论这些国家的社会制度如何,家庭里总得有人 挣钱 养活 全家

  • Now you 're the one to bring home the bacon .

    明白了,现在要你 赚钱 养家了。

  • Voters are interested in the representative 's ability to bring home the bacon

    选民感兴趣的是代表 能否 兑现 承诺

  • Gordon : I have to go to work you know . I must bring home the bacon .

    戈登:你知道,我必须 工作呀。我得出去 熏肉 回家(我的过 日子

  • The timing may be inconvenient but working for a liar or an incompetent for the next 20 years is neither attractive nor likely to bring home the bacon .

    选择现在辞职也许不合时宜,但为一个骗子或无能之辈再打20年工既没什么吸引力,又不太可能 养家糊口

  • Both Richard and Samantha got jobs to bring home the bacon for their children .

    理查和萨曼莎都要工作 挣钱 养家

  • Some one has to bring home the bacon in the family .

    一个 总得有个 养家糊口的人。

  • He works night and day to bring home the bacon .

    夜以继日 辛勤工作 维持生活。

  • I have to bring home the bacon .

    不得不 养家糊口

  • Men were supposed to bring home the bacon .

    男人 应该 担负 家庭 生计