title domain

[ˈtaɪtl doˈmen][ˈtaitl dəuˈmein]


  • For another thing at times a discourse title may contain a cognitive reference point that provides access to a target conceptual domain beyond the discourse .

    二是 标题有时可以超越语篇宏观 结构产生指向篇章外概念 实体的参照点效应。

  • The oculists with high professional title or the PHD had high scores in the domain of environment .

    高级 职称和具有博士学历者在环境 领域的得分较高。

  • More than one title - Sometimes an item has more than one title perhaps an abbreviation acronym or a title in another language . Domain with that name already exists on the system !

    多个题名-时条目有一个以上的题名,它们可能是 题名缩写、字母缩写、译 题名等。系统内已有一个相同名称的 域名