


  • Industrial trials have been conducted for D-T57 electrolytic tinplate chemical com-position property and process parameters improvement conditions .

    通过对D-T57电镀 锡板化学成分、性能设计及对生产工艺条件的改进,开展了多次工业试制。

  • I need to buy any quantity of tinplate scrap .

    求购废 镀锡 铁皮,数量不

  • The influence of phytic acid and additive added in molybdate-passivation solution for tinplate on the corrosion resistance of the passivation film was studied by copper sulfate spot test and electrochemical method .

    采用硫酸铜点滴试验和电化学测试方法,研究了在钼酸盐溶液中加入植酸和添加剂对 镀锡 钢板钝化膜的影响。

  • Also we do the job of tinplate printing molding lid making and can making . We are manufacturers of Metal Tins Decorative Gift Tins Tea Tins Tea Caddies Mint Tins Cookie Tins Chocolate Tins Cosmetic Tins .

    我们正在制造金属罐,礼品装饰盒,茶叶铁罐,茶叶球童、币空罐、干罐、克力罐、化妆品 铁罐

  • Based on this coating thickness structure of tinplate was put forward and the concept of coating apparent thickness was defined .

    在此基础上,建立了 镀锡 钢板镀层厚度结构模型,定义了镀层的表观厚度。

  • We are the leading manufacturer of tinplate located in Jiangyin city of China .

    我们是专业生产 马口铁 大型企业,坐落在江苏省江阴市。

  • Production Process of Electrolytic Tinplate

    镀锡 铁皮 / 马日 )制造过程

  • The passivation process for tinplate has been improved according to the modern passivation theory and satisfactory result has been achieved in its application in fruit and vegetables can .

    在现代金属钝化理论的基础上,对 电镀 锡板的钝化工艺加以改进。这种改进了的 电镀锡板对于一些 腐蚀性很强的果蔬罐头应用获得了抗蚀效果。

  • Causes and Reduction Countermeasures of Porosity in Electrolytic Tinplate

    镀锡 钢板孔隙成因及降低对策研究

  • XPS Analysis of Chromium Element in Chromate Passivation Film Formed on Tinplate in Different Surface State

    不同表面状态 镀锡 钢板铬酸盐钝化膜中铬元素的XPS分析

  • Plating solution evaporator is the key equipment of tinplate production line .

    镀液蒸发器是 薄板 镀锡生产线上 利用 真空 下水蒸发的方法 维持 浓度 稳定的关键设备。

  • Single-Reduced Tinplate Press the manual rewind button .

    单相轧压 镀锡薄铁片按压手动倒片按钮。

  • It is widely used in printing of metal parts like AL sheets tinplate chrome iron AL plates .

    产品广泛被用于各种金属、铝板、 马口铁、铬铁、铝片等材质产品上的工艺印刷。

  • Discharge conditions at which depth profile analysis of tinplate had good depth resolution were selected by researching spectrometric behaviors of tinplate at different discharge conditions .

    通过研究不同放电条件下镀锡钢板的光谱行为,确定了具有较好深度分辨率的放电条件, 建立镀锡钢板的辉光放电发射光谱定量深度分析方法。

  • Steel pressure vessels Dual-Reduction Tinplate

    GB150-1998钢制压力容器双相辗压 镀锡薄钢片

  • Studies on the alloy-tin couple for the double reduced tinplate

    二次冷轧 镀锡 的合金-锡电偶合研究

  • Coating Processes for Tinplate Printing


  • The Research of Double Seaming Technology in Thin Tinplate Can

    钢板 金属容器二重卷封应用技术的研究

  • Indian railways tinplate and galvanized iron products ( production processing wholesale and retail ) ( limited branch ) .

    印铁, 马口铁制品及 马口铁(生产加工批发零售)(限分支机构)。

  • Effect of Crystal Orientation of Black Plate on Corrosion Resistance of Tinplate

    结晶取向对 镀锡 耐蚀性的影响

  • Hydrothermal Synthesis of Doped Fe_3O_4 of Electroplating Sludge Production Process of Electrolytic Tinplate

    电镀污泥水热合成掺杂的四氧化三铁镀锡 铁皮 / 马日 )制造过程

  • Compared with hot-rolled cold-rolled plant processing lines scattered cold-rolled products are mainly common cold-rolled plates Tudu laminates is Tinplate galvanized plate and Cai Tuban .

    与热轧相比,冷轧厂的加工线比较分散,冷轧产品主要有普通冷轧板、涂镀层板也就是 镀锡 、镀锌板和彩涂板。

  • The corrosion of tinplate asparagus can container is analysed .

    文章对 马口铁芦笋罐头容器的腐蚀失效进行了分析和研究。

  • A thin coat of water-base paint . kanner 's tinplate

    水基漆的薄薄的外层。肯纳薄锡层 镀锡 钢板

  • Continual hot-dip aluminium zinc silicon alloy coated steel strips and sheets Dual-Reduction Tinplate

    GB/T14978-1994连续热浸镀铝锌硅合金镀层钢带和钢板双相辗压 镀锡薄钢片

  • Study on the rolling technology and quality control of tinplate mill

    镀锡 轧制工艺和质量控制技术研究

  • About grade appraisal and foreign COUNTIES-ORIENTED certificate issuing of imported cold rolled steel sheet and tinplate of second grade

    谈进口二级品冷轧钢板和 马口铁的品级鉴定及对外出证